

A camarilla is a group of courtiers or favourites which surround a king or ruler. Usually, they do not hold any office or have any official authority but influence their ruler behind the scenes. Consequently, they also escape having to bear responsibility for the effects of their advice. The term derives from the Spanish word, "camarilla" (Diminutive of "Cámara"), meaning "little chamber" or private cabinet of the king. The term also entered the German language and is used in the sense given above.


In particular, two groups which are called camarillas are those which surrounded the Emperor Wilhelm II and the President Paul von Hindenburg.

The camarilla of President Paul von Hindenburg

*Oskar von Hindenburg, the son of the President, nicknamed " [t] he President's son unplanned for in the Constitution."Fact|date=April 2007
*Otto Meissner, secretary of state, chief of the presidential office
*General Kurt von Schleicher, head of the military office in the Defence Ministry, later Chancellor
*Franz von Papen, Chancellor


* "Camarilla" is also the name of a "sect" (faction) in the role-playing game "".

ee also

*Cabal Ministry
*Cliveden set
*Kitchen Cabinet
*Éminence grise
*The School of Night

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