Bjørn Eidsvåg

Bjørn Eidsvåg

Bjørn Eidsvåg (born 1954 in Sauda) is a Norwegian singer, songwriter and Lutheran minister. He is a graduate from the MF Norwegian School of Theology (cand. theol.). He has released 20 albums since his 1976 debut, and received 3 spellemannspriser.

He is probably best known for his melancholic 1983 song "Eg ser" (I see) (as in "look", not "understand").


Inn for Landing, 1976

Bakerste Benk, 1978

Endelig Voksen, 1980

Live in New York, 1981

Passe Gal, 1983

På Leit, 1984

Bjørn's beste, 1985

Dansere i Natten, 1986

Vertigo, 1988

Alt Du Vil Ha, 1990

Tatt Av Vinden, 1990

Til alle Tider, 1992

Allemannsland, 1993

Landet Lenger Bak, 1996

På Svai, 1999

Tapt Uskyld, 1999

Hittil og Littil (Live), 2000

Tålt, 2002

kyfri Himmel (Danmark), 2004

En Vakker Dag, 2004

Nåde, 2006

s-ttl | title = Norwegian VG-lista number-one single: "Floden"
years = 8 November 200615 November 2006
s-ttl | title = Norwegian VG-lista number-one single: "Floden" (second run)
years = 27 December 200610 January 2007

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