Valen tv

Valen tv

Valen TV is a Norwegian TV-show created by Kristian Valen which was shown on TVNorge in 2003. The show consists of seven episodes, each lasting for about 25 minutes. The show is mainly parodies of Norwegian and international TV-shows and music videos. Kristian Valen plays all parts in the show himself. Along with famous people in real world he also plays several original characters like Helge, Geir and Kjartan

Original Characters

HELGE: A 28 year old man from Stavanger (The only character which depicts Kristian Valen himself) who dreams about being a star, but instead ends up as a hello-man in Valen TV. He tends to fall asleep at work, always dreaming about himself playing vocalist in famous music videos. He always wakes up when the producer, Ronny, yells at him: "Helge! Nå må du våkna; du e på loftå!" meaning "Helge! You have to awake "now"; you're on air!" In the first episode Ronny promotes Helge to be Talkshow host in the program "Ikveld med Helge" (Tonight with Helge) which invites Norwegian celebrities. He always ends up offending his guests, and has to play the roles of them himself on stage.

GEIR: Geir is a 48–year–old karaoke waiter from Sandnes. He claims to have broad from TV after applying for "Big Brother" and "Farmen" three years in a row. He has difficulty making himself understood because of his heavy stammering. He is known by his big glasses and tight shirts. His catchphrase is "Eg ska toppa heile driden," which means "I'm gonna top the whole shit." Through the show he tries out several occupations, such as weatherman.

KJARTAN: Kjartan makes his first appearance in "Boksaunaen" with Per Inge Torkelsen and afterwards is the host of both Autofil and Dartguides as well as making appearances in the weather.


Rorbua,Tore Andre Flos fotballskole,Nyhetene (Kveldsnytt, Sportsekstra),Ikveld med Helge,Fornemmelse for hvor,JazzHjørnet,Boksaunaen,

Music Videos

Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry
U2 - Elevation


Bjørn Eidsvåg - Ein Solskinnsdag,
A-ha - Stay on These RoadsZucchero and Paul Young - Sense Una Donna

Persons Imitated

Morten Harket,Tore Andre Flo,Odd Karsten Tveit,Åge Hareide,Bjørn Eidsvåg,
Bono,Per Inge Torkelsen,

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