ARAX camera

ARAX camera

ARAX (AraxFoto) - the Ukrainian tuning company located in Kiev - capital of Ukraine. The owner of companyGevorg Vartanyan run this business for international customers from 2003. Before 2003 ARAX sells their production only in ex USSR.

ARAX upgrades all types of Kiev medium format cameras, lenses and accessories produced in ARSENAL factory which located in Kiev. It is a Kiev-6C, Kiev-60, Kiev-88, Kiev-88CM, Salyut, Salyut-C, Zenit-80. A group of qualified technicians from ARSENAL factory works for ARAX. Engineers who are very experienced in their work with medium format Kiev cameras, lenses and new technological developments. ARAX make repairing any part of a camera or lens and produce many variations and upgrades of the original cameras.

ARAX also produce some of professional line lenses with Shift and Tilt functions. Some Shift lenses for medium format and some Tilt/Shift for 35mm cameras (Canon, Nikon, Minolta, Pentax, Sony etc.)

ARAX develop and produce the new generation Tilt and Shift adapters allows you use any KIEV-C (Pentacon Six) lenses on 35mm camera body digital or analog. It gives the 8 degree tilting (or shifting) possibility of lens and 360 degree rotation.

ARAX made the SE (Special Edition) camera coverings with genuine leather in a variety of colours and patterns. Even with customer name on the side of camera.

Repairing service for medium format Kiev cameras is other part of ARAX business. From any part of world you can send your Kiev camera or lense to ARAX service department and have them back repaired and fully upgraded.

External links

* [ ARAXFOTO official website and store.]
* [ Kiev-60 Upgrading Process.]
* [ Kiev-88 Upgrading Process.]
* [ ARAX-60/MLU Special Edition SLR Camera. Review by Mike Matthews.]
* [ MC ARAX 2.8/35mm Tilt & Shift lens. Review by Tuomo Väinämö.]
* [ ARAX MLU/SE Special Edition camera. Review by Jacques Vandeweghe (English, French).]
* [ ARAX-60/MLU - a photoset on Flickr (porkfork6)]

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