

Robb is a surname, and may refer to

* Andrew Robb, (Australian politician)
* AnnaSophia Robb
* Bruce Robb
* Chuck Robb
* Curtis Robb
* David Robb
* Douglas Robb (musician)
* Ed Robb
* George Douglas Robb
* Graham Robb
* Ian Robb
* Isabel Hampton Robb
* James Robb:
** James Robb (politician)
** James Robb (RAF officer)
* John Robb (musician), British musician and journalist
* John Donald Robb, American composer
* Lynda Bird Johnson Robb
* Muriel Robb
* Natalie J. Robb
* Paul Robb
* Peter Robb
* Rafael Robb
* R. C. Robb
* Richard Robb
* Steven Robb
* Thomas Robb

ee also

* Robb Report
* Robb Spewak
* Bab er Robb
* Robb Engineering & Manufacturing
* Robbe
* Rob


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  • Robb — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alfred Robb (1873–1936), englischer Physiker AnnaSophia Robb (* 1993), US amerikanische Schauspielerin Chuck Robb (* 1939), US amerikanischer Politiker Daphne Robb (* 1929), südafrikanische Leichtathletin… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Robb — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Robb est le patronyme de plusieurs personnalités : AnnaSophia Robb (1993 ), actrice américaine. Calum Robb, karatéka écossais. Douglas Robb (1975 ),… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • robb —  a stiff jelly made from fruit, and denominated accordingly, as ELDER ROBB; called in the South JAM …   A glossary of provincial and local words used in England

  • Robb Thompson — Born April 1953 Oak Lawn, Illinois Residence Homer Township, Will County, Illinois …   Wikipedia

  • Robb de Peyster Tytus — (* 2. Februar 1876 in Asheville, North Carolina; † 14. August 1913 in Saranac Lake, New York) war ein amerikanischer Künstler und Amateur Archäologe. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Leistungen 2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Robb Stark — est l un des personnages de la saga Le Trône de fer écrite par George R. R. Martin. Il est le fils ainé de lord Eddard Stark et de lady Catelyn Stark et est donc l héritier de Winterfell et du Nord. Il a quatorze ans au début des romans. Comme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Robb Montgomery — is a Chicago journalist and former newspaper editor [ [http://www.trends in Newspaper editor at Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times] ] and founder of a social network for journalists, Visual Editors. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Robb Brindle — is a fictional character from the Saga of Seven Suns series of novels by Kevin J. Anderson. Biography The son of two EDF veterans and enlisted in the Earth Defence Forces at the start of the war against the hydrogues. Robb earned the command of a …   Wikipedia

  • Robb Denovan — (aliases: R. Deadly, Ron Donovan, etc.) is an animator from Canada who has won international acclaim for his work. He currently lives in London, England. Early yearsRobb was born to Jack and Janet Denovan on June 1, 1978, in Carleton Place,… …   Wikipedia

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