

In fencing, the riposte (French for "retort") is an offensive action with the intent of hitting one's opponent, made by the fencer who has just parried an attack.

In everyday language, a riposte is synonymous with a retort and describes a quick and witty reply to an argument or an insult.


In sabre and foil, the priority switches when the parry is successfully executed; the defending fencer now has right of way and may immediately attack with a riposte. The riposte may be direct, or may include compound footwork. If the riposte is delayed, the original attacker's remise gains priority. Riposte is analogous to kaeshi techniques in kendo.

When one sets up a second intention attack, the reactions of one's opponent must be predicted. A fencer may execute an attack expecting to be parried, preparing to counter-parry and counter-riposte.

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  • riposte — [ ripɔst ] n. f. • risposte 1527; it. risposta « réponse » 1 ♦ Réponse vive, instantanée, faite à un interlocuteur agressif. ⇒ réplique. Avoir la riposte rapide (cf. Avoir de la repartie). 2 ♦ Escr. Botte portée immédiatement après une parade d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • riposte — or ripost [ri pōst′] n. [Fr riposte < It risposta < rispondere < L respondere: see RESPOND] 1. Fencing a sharp, swift thrust made after parrying an opponent s lunge 2. a sharp, swift response or retort vi. riposted, riposting to make a… …   English World dictionary

  • riposte — 1707, a quick thrust after parrying a lunge, a fencing term, from Fr. riposte, by dissimilation from risposte, from It. risposta a reply, from rispondere to respond, from L. respondere (see RESPOND (Cf. respond)). Sense of sharp retort is first… …   Etymology dictionary

  • riposte — ► NOUN 1) a quick clever reply. 2) a quick return thrust in fencing. ► VERB ▪ make a riposte. ORIGIN French, from Italian risposta response …   English terms dictionary

  • Riposte — (st), so v.w. Risposte …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Riposte — (franz.), in der Fechtkunst rascher Gegen oder Nachstoß; daher ripostieren, parieren und nachstoßen (vgl. Fechtkunst, S. 371). R. ist auch soviel wie rasche, treffen de Erwiderung …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Riposte — (frz.), in der Fechtkunst rascher Gegenstoß; ripostieren, parieren und nachstoßen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • riposte — index answer (reply) counterattack, countercharge, reply, response, retort, return (respond) Burton s Legal …   Law dictionary

  • Riposte — Contre attaque (sport de combat) Article principal : contre attaque (militaire). Contre attaque en sport …   Wikipédia en Français

  • RIPOSTE — s. f. Réponse vive faite sur le champ, repartie prompte pour repousser quelque raillerie. Avoir la riposte prête, la riposte en main. Il lui fit une riposte fâcheuse. Être prompt, être vif à la riposte. Il est familier.  Il se dit, figurément et… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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