- G-flat major
Infobox Scale
scale_name=Gmusic|flat major
relative=Emusic|flat minor
parallel=Gmusic|flat minor
Fmusic|sharp minor
enharmonic=F-sharp major
seventh_pitch=FG-flat major is a
major scale based on G-flat, consisting of the pitches Gmusic|flat, Amusic|flat, Bmusic|flat, Cmusic|flat, Dmusic|flat, Emusic|flat, and F. Itskey signature has six flats ("see below:" Scales and keys).Its relative minor is
E-flat minor , and its parallel minor isG-flat minor , usually replaced byF-sharp minor , since G-flat minor, which would have five flats and two double-flats, is not normally used.Its
enharmonic equivalent isF-sharp major , whosekey signature also has six accidentals. In writing music in E major forB-flat instruments, it is preferable to use a G-flat rather an F-sharp key signature.Rarely chosen as the main key for orchestral works, G-flat major is more often used as a main key for piano works, such as the impromptus of Chopin and Schubert.
A striking use of G-flat major can be found in the love duet "Tu l'as dit" that concludes the fourth act of
Giacomo Meyerbeer 'sLes Huguenots .Austrian composer
Gustav Mahler was fond of using G-flat major in key passages of his symphonies; examples include: The choral entry during the finale of his Second Symphony, [Mahler, Gustav. "Symphonies Nos. 1 and 2 in Full Score", Dover, ISBN 0-486-25473-9 (1987) p. 354.] during the first movement of his Third Symphony, [Mahler, Gustav. "Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4 in Full Score", Dover, ISBN 0-486-26166-2 (1989), p. 53.] the modulatory section of the Adagietto from his Fifth Symphony, [Mahler, Gustav. "Symphonies Nos. 5 and 6 in Full Score", Dover, ISBN 0-486-26888-8 (1991), p. 175.] and during the Rondo-Finale of his Seventh Symphony. [Mahler, Gustav. "Symphony No. 7 in Full Score", Dover, ISBN 0-486-27339-3 (1992), p. 223.] Mahler's Tenth Symphony was composed in the enharmonic key of Fsharp major.References
cales and keys
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