Seljuk Campaigns in the Aegean
- Seljuk Campaigns in the Aegean
Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Byzantine-Seljuk wars
partof=the Byzantine-Seljuk wars
date=1081 - 1095
place=Aegean Sea
result=Overall Byzantine victory
territory=Seljuk Turks gain and then lose control of Chios, Lesbos, Smyrna and Abydos.
combatant1=Byzantine Empire
combatant2= Seljuq Emirate of Smyrna
commander1=Alexios I Komnenos
Constantine Dalassenus
commander2=Çaka Bey
The Seljuk Campaigns in the Aegean refer to the ground and naval actions conducted by the Seljuk Turks under the leadership of Çaka Bey against the Byzantine Empire. A fierce opponent, Çaka Bey succeeded in inflicting the first Turkish naval victory against Byzantium and captured a few Aegean Islands, supplemented by the conquest of Smyrna and Abydos. However, Alexios I launched a counter-attack in the aftermath of the First Crusade. His son, John II Komnenos inherited a sizable amount of land in Western Asia Minor. However, the port city of Antalya was under Seljuk siege. Nonetheless, John's tireless campaigns drove the Turks deep into Anatolia and by 1143 the Seljuk Turks had lost all control of the coastal regions of Asia Minor. The Byzantines under Manuel I Komnenos could muster some 200 ships. Not until the demise of the Comnenian dynasty would the Turks capture a port and it was Umur of Aydin in c. 1300's that constituted the first Turkish threat to Christian shipping in the Aegean since the 11th century.
See also
* Byzantine navy
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