Zyzzyxdonta alata

Zyzzyxdonta alata

name = "Zyzzyxdonta"

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regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Gastropoda
ordo = Stylommatophora
familia = Endodontidae
genus = "Zyzzyxdonta"
species = "Zyzzyxdonta alata"
species_authority = Solem, 1976

"Zyzzyxdonta alata" is the only species in the genus "Zyzzyxdonta". It is a land snail that is named thus because it has many features opposite to "Aaadonta".

They live in Pacific islands (Palau, Fiji) and their name is the last word in many species dictionaries.


"Zyzzyxdonta alata" shell is with apical sculpture typical to Endodontidae, postnuclear whorls with widely spaced radial ribs protruded into hollow, winglike structures at the carinated periphery. Whorls about 5, rather loosely coiled, apex flat, spire slightly elevated. Body whorl with protruded, keeled periphery, not descending more rapidly, with distinct subperipheral sulcus. Umbilicus is widely open, U-shaped, last whorl not decoiling as rapidly. Apertural barriers consisting of 3 parietals, a single columellar that slants downwards, and 3 long palatals. All barriers are with large, swollen and serrated beads above [Solem, A. 1976. Endodontoid land snails from Pacific islands (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Sig­murethra). Part I. Family Endodontidae. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago] .

See also



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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