Forms of activity and interpersonal relations
- Forms of activity and interpersonal relations
Forms of activity and interpersonal relations in sociology can be described as follows: first and most basic are animal-like behaviors, i.e. various physical movements of the body. Then there are actions - movements with a meaning and purpose. Then there are social behaviors, which are addressed towards other people, and social actions, which further require a response from another person. Next are social contacts, a pair of social actions, which form the beginning of social interactions. Social interactions in turn form the basis of social relations. This division is illustrated by the table below:
See also
*Affectional action
*Interpersonal relationship
*Instrumental action
*Traditional action
*Value-rational action
* Piotr Sztompka, Socjologia, Znak, 2002, ISBN 83-240-0218-9
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