Legend Rock

Legend Rock

Legend Rock Petroglyph Site is located 20 miles Northwest of Hot Springs State Park in Thermopolis, Wyoming. Legend Rock is an important petroglyph site which features hundreds of individual petroglyphs spread across the face of the rock. Although a handful of the rock's beautiful etchings have suffered from various forms of erosion and human defacement, a wide majority of the artwork has been well preserved for public enjoyment. The origins of the petroglyphs are still subject to debate.

Similar to many archaeic petroglyph findings scattered across the globe, interpretations of the images, as well as their artists' true intentions have been obscure at best.

External links

* [http://thermopolis.com/Attractions/Petroglyphs.htm Thermopolis Attractions]
* [http://www.blm.gov/wy/st/en/field_offices/Worland/rec/legend.html Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming]
* [http://wyoparks.state.wy.us/Parks/HotSprings/index.asp Hot Springs State Park]

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