- Gilles-Gaston Granger
Gilles Gaston Granger (b.
January 28 ,1920 inParis ,France ), is an analyticphilosopher .His works discuss the philosophy of logics, mathematics, human and social sciences,
Wittgenstein ,Aristotle , andJean Cavaillès . He produced the authoritative translation of Wittgenstein's "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus " into French. He has published more than 150 scientific articles.Biography
*Studied at
École Normale Supérieure , Paris, France. Associate in philosophy, bachelor inmathematics ,doctorate in philosophy.
*1947-1953:Professor at theUniversity of São Paulo ,Brazil .
*1953-1955:Associate professor at theCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
*1955-1962: Professor at theUniversity of Rennes .
*1962-1964: Director of theÉcole Normale Supérieure d'Afrique Centrale , inBrazzaville ,Republic of the Congo .
*1964-1986: Professor at theUniversité de Provence , Aix, France
*1986: Professor at theCollège de France . Chair ofcomparative epistemology .
*1990:Professor emeritus of the Collège de France.Works
*"Méthodologie économique" (PUF, 1955)
*"La raison" (1955)
*"La mathématique sociale du marquis de Condorcet" (PUF, 1956)
*"Pensée formelle et science de l'homme" (Aubier, 1960)
**"Formal Thought and the Sciences of Man", translation byAlexander Rosenberg , (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science)
*"Essai d'une philosophie du Style" (Armand Colin, 1968)
*"Wittgenstein" (Seghers, 1969)
*"La théorie aristotélicienne de la science" (Aubier, 1976)
*"Langage et épistémologie" (Klincksieck, 1979)
*"Pour la connaissance philosophique" (Odile Jacob, 1988)
*"Invitation à la lecture de Wittgenstein" (Alinéa, 1990)
*"La vérification" (Odile Jacob, 1992)
*"Le probable, le possible et le virtuel" (Odile Jacob, 1995)
*"L'irrationnel" (Odile Jacob, 1998)
*"La pensée de l'espace" (Odile Jacob, 1999)References
* [http://www.college-de-france.fr/default/EN/all/ins_pro/p1000303732605.htm Collège de France] fr icon
* [http://www.univ-nancy2.fr/Amphis/images/films/UTLS_Bibliographie-Granger.pdf Bibliographie] fr icon
* [http://formes-symboliques.org/article.php3?id_article=130 Lacour, Philippe; "Gilles-Gaston Granger et la critique de la raison symbolique"] fr icon
* [http://www.espacestemps.net/document556.html Lacour, Philippe; "Le Concept d"'histoire "dans la philosophie de Gilles-Gaston Granger"] fr icon
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