The Kingdom of the Isles

The Kingdom of the Isles

The Kingdom of the Isles is a fictional nation on Midkemia, a world created by a fantasy role-playing group and popularized by Raymond E. Feist. "The Kingdom of the Isles", or simply "The Kingdom" lies to the north of The Empire of Great Kesh on the continent of Triagia. Most of Feist's books are based in this Kingdom.


In ancient times, Rillanon was the foremost nation of a small group of islands in the Kingdom Sea, which after years of war with the neighboring city-state of Bas-Tyra eventually expanded on the mainland. Several centuries later, after Kesh had been wracked by civil war, and abandoned its northernmost territories, the Kingdom of the Isles expanded into the Western Lands around the Bitter Sea, with a second capital at Krondor. Given this expansion, most people shorten the name to simply "The Kingdom" in common usage, though the formal name remains in some documents.

The Kingdom is a late medieval/early renaissance society, with a charter that defines the rights of men and nobles, as well as the limitations of government. Slavery is not unknown in the Kingdom, but is mostly used for criminals. There is a Congress of Lords, but their exact role is unspecified.

The ruling family of the Kingdom are the conDoins.


The Eastern Realm of the Kingdom

*Duchy of Rillanon - Rillanon is the capital of the Kingdom of the Isles and center of power in the eastern courts. The King rules the entire kingdom from here, though with only broad policy in regards to the west. Rillanon and the surrounding area are ruled by the Duke of Rillanon.
**Earldom of Vencar - an estate on the island of Rillanon, its title was passed to the family of Duke James of Krondor when the old earl died without an heir
*Duchy of Sadara
*Duchy of Bas-Tyra
**Barony of Gyldenholt
**Barony of Calry
**Squire of Marlsborough
*Duchy of Salador
*Duchy of Rodez
**Earldom of Tarloff
*Duchy of Ran
*Duchy of Cheam
*Duchy of Euper
*Earldom/Duchy of Romney
*Earldom/Duchy of Timons
*Earldom/Duchy of Silden
*Barony/Earldom of Dolth
*Barony of Sethanon
*Barony of Tiburn
*Barony of Cavall
*Malac's Cross - the city marking the westernmost boundary of the Eastern Realm
*Duchy of Deep Taunton
**Earldom of Mukerlic
*Earldom of Mallow Haven
*Barony of Viztria
*Barony of Corvis
*Wolfgar's Hold
*Pointer's Head

The Western Realm of the Kingdom

*Duchy of Krondor - Krondor is the capital of the western half of the Kingdom of the Isles. The Prince of Krondor is normally the heir to the throne in Rillanon while the city and surrounding area is ruled by the Duke of Krondor.
**Sarth - A town within the Principality of Krondor, it is home to the Ishapian abbey containing the greatest collection of writings in Midkemia.
**Duchy of the Southern Marches - A court duchy and part of Krondor, the border garrisons of Landreth and Shamata are administered by the Earl of Landreth and later, with the establishment of Port Vykor, the Duke of the Southern Marches, who carries the title of Lord Sutherland
**Barony of Land's End
*Duchy of Crydee - Originally a part of the Keshian province of Bosania, it was captured by Nicholas conDoin I, the third son of a King. Its coastline is also referred to as the Far Coast.
**Barony of Carse
**Barony of Tulan
*Duchy of Yabon - The Armengarians, after the destruction of Armengar by Murmandamus, largely returned to and settled in Yabon with their Hadati brethren.
**Earldom of LaMut - The Tsurani, stranded on Midkemia after the rift from Kelewan was closed, were settled here after "Magician".
**Earldom of Loriel
**Barony of Tyr-Sog
**Barony of Zun
**Barony of Hawk's Hollow
*Duchy of Stardock - an island in the middle of the Great Star Lake, home to the Academy of Magic at Stardock
*Barony of Darkmoor
*Barony of Ylith
*Sunset Isles - The Sunset Isles is a group of scattered islands far west of the Far Coast. Freeport is the only known city located on Sunset Isle. The island chain is now a duchy within the Kingdom of the Isles, acquired by Prince Nicholas in "The King's Buccaneer".
*Forest Deep
*Morgan River

Provinces and Other Regions

*Border Baronies - although part of the Kingdom of the Isles and charged with defending the passes to the Northlands from the moredhel and goblins, the three barons swear their allegiance only to the King, though this has been a matter of debate when the Prince of Krondor is present ("A Darkness at Sethanon")

Mountain Ranges

*The Great Northern Mountains
*The Teeth of the World
*Northern Guardians
*Thunderhell Steppes
*The Grey Range

Forests and Woodlands

*The Green Heart
*Yabon Forest
*Edder Forest
*The Blackwood
*The Dimwood


*Sea of Dreams
*The Great Star Lake
*The River Crydee
*The River Rom


Monarchs of the Kingdom of the Isles (Kings of Rillanon and Kings of the Isles)

"(in approximate chronological order and with consorts, where known)"

"House of conDoin"

*Dannis, k. of Rillanon (r. approximately seven hundred fifty years before the Riftwar)
*Delong 'the Great' (r. approximately five hundred years before the Riftwar), conquered Bas-Tyra, extending the Kingdom to the mainland
*Borric I (r. approximately two hundred fifty years before the Riftwar)
*"Jon 'the Pretender', half-brother of Borric I", killed by him during the Kingdom's last civil war
*Henry III (exact time of r. unknown)
*Rodric III
*Rodric IV 'the Mad King', fourth and only surviving son of King Rodric III
*Lyam, eldest legitimate son of Duke Borric of Crydee , cousin of Rodric IV
**Magda of Roldem
*Borric, eldest son of Prince Arutha of Krondor and nephew of King Lyam
*Patrick, eldest son of King Borric
**Francine of Silden
*Ryan, son of King Patrick

Princes of Krondor

(in approximate chronological order and with consorts, where known)

"House of conDoin"

*Erland, younger brother of King Rodric III
**Alicia of Timons
*Arutha, younger brother of King Lyam
**Anita of Krondor, daughter of Prince Erland
*Borric, eldest son of Prince Arutha, twin brother of Erland
*Patrick, eldest son of King Borric, grandson of Prince Arutha
**Francine of Silden"unnamed Princes of Krondor"
*Robert, cousin of King Ryan

The Royal Succession

The Congress of Lords elects the King, although this is a matter of tradition as the heir to the throne is always elected unless there is no clear successor.

The Eastern Realm

Ministers of the King's Court

*Duke of Rillanon - Royal Chancellor and First Adviser to the King
**Caldric of Rillanon
**Guy du Bas-Tyra
**James of Krondor
**"unnamed Dukes of Rillanon"
*King's Chancellor of Finance and Exchequer
**Williamson Howell
*Knight-Marshal of the Armies of the East
**Sir Lawrence Malcolm
*Knight-General of the King's Royal Household Guard
**Caldric of Rillanon
*Admiral of the King's Fleet in the East
**Karole Vykor
**"unnamed individuals"
**Daniel Marks

Dukes of Salador

*Richard of Dolth"House of Laurie (conDoin)"
*Laurie of Tyr-Sog
**Carline conDoin, daughter of Duke Borric of Crydee and sister of Duke Martin, King Lyam, and Prince Arutha
*"name unknown", son of Duke Laurie
*Duncan (de Salador or Laurieson), grandson of Duke Laurie

Dukes of Bas-Tyra

"House of Bas-Tyra"
*Guy du Bas-Tyra"House of Sevigny"
*Armand de Sevigny

The Western Realm

Ministers of the Prince's Court

*Duke of Krondor - Chancellor of the Western Realm
**Guy du Bas-Tyra (ruled as Viceroy, having been appointed by King Rodric IV, but was never Prince or Duke of Krondor)
**Volney of Landreth (Earl of Landreth, served as acting Duke after Dulanic's resignation before his official appointment)
**Gardan of Crydee
**Geoffery of Ravenswood
**"unnamed Dukes of Krondor"
**James of Krondor
**Arutha Jameson, son of Duke James
**Brian of Silden ("acting Duke")
**Rufio of Rodez
**"unnamed Dukes of Krondor"
**James Jameson (also Regent of the West)
**Erik von Darkmoor

*Knight-Marshal of the Western Realm
**Prince Erland of Krondor
**Duke Borric conDoin of Crydee (Knight-Marshal of the Armies of the West during the Riftwar)
**Duke Brucal of Yabon (acting Knight-Marshal of the Armies of the West during the Riftwar)
**Prince Arutha of Krondor
**William conDoin, son of Pug and royal cousin by adoption (Knight-Marshal of the Armies of the West during the Serpentwar)
**"unnamed individual(s)"
**Erik von Darkmoor

*Knight-Marshal of Krondor
**Gardan of Crydee
**Locklear of Land's End
**William conDoin
**Owen Greylock
**unnamed Knights-Marshal
**Erik von Darkmoor

*Admiral of the King's Fleet in the West
**Amos Trask
**Prince Nicholas conDoin, third son of Prince Arutha

Dukes of Crydee

"House of conDoin" - though part of the royal family by blood, the Dukes of Crydee after Martin are ineligible for the throne due to his refusal of the crown in order to avoid a potential civil war at the end of the Riftwar
*Nicholas conDoin I, third son of a King of the Isles
*"name unknown",son of Nicholas
*Borric, grandson of Nicholas
*Lyam, eldest legitimate son of Borric (duke upon his father's death, but never confirmed in the title before his accession as King)
*MartinConDoin, also known as Martin Longbow, illegitimate eldest son of Duke Borric
*Marcus, son of Duke Martin
**Duchess Abigail of Carse

Dukes of Yabon

*Vandros der LaMut, son-in-law of Duke Brucal
**Duchess Felinah, daughter of Duke Brucal
*"unnamed Dukes"

Ranks of the Kingdom Army


Arms and Heraldic Devices

*conDoin Kings: a golden lion rampant holding a sword aloft, with a crown hovering over its head, upon a field of purple (or crimson)
*Princes of Krondor: an eagle soaring above a mountain peak, silver upon the royal purple (ALSO - the yellow outline of an eagle soaring above a peak, contained in a circle of dark blue OR an eagle flying above a mountain peak, upon a circle of light blue)
*Bas-Tyra: a golden eagle upon a field of black
*Crydee: a golden gull emblazoned upon a field brown (formerly with a small golden crown above the gull)
*LaMut: a grey wolf's head on a circle of blue (upon a field of deep green?)
*Highcastle: red stone tor on white
*Carse: a field of scarlet quartered by a gold cross, a golden griffin rampant in the upper right quarter
*Darkmoor: a black raven clutching a holly branch in its beak, upon a red heater shield
*de Sevigny: a shield bend dexter, with a crouching red dragon chief on a field gold, and an upraised lion's claw in gold upon a field red

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