- Sqaq l-Infern
Sqaq l-Infern (in English: Hell's Lane), is a
Maltese book. It is the first book of the trilogy seriesFiddien by the Maltese authorsSimon Bartolo andLoranne Vella . The first edition of Sqaq l-Infern was published byMerlin Library Ltd. ofBlata l-Bajda and printed at theGutenberg Press ofTarxien . The cover design and the illustrations were done by the Maltese artistLisa Falzon .Sqaq l-Infern is a fantastic adventure story that occurred in Malta, particularly in the town of
Mosta . Other Maltese locations mentioned in this book areMtarfa ,Mdina ,Saqqajja (Rabat),Nadur ,Sa' Maison (Pietà),Mġarr Harbour (Għajnsielem ), andĊirkewwa (Mellieħa ).The other two books in this Fiddien trilogy are
Wied Wirdien (Cockraches' Valley) andIl-Ġnien tad-Dmugħ (The Garden of Dews).qaq l-Infern Chapters
This book consists of 41 chapters; these chapter are:
*Artiklu fil-Gazzetta (A Newspaper Article)
**Serqa minn dar fin-Naxxar (Robbery from a house inNaxxar )
**Ħarsa mill-qrib lejn is-sinjuri Borġ Cordina, vittmi oħra ta' serq f'darhom (A look at the Borg Cordinas, victims of robbery)
*Stedina (An Invitation)
*Antida u Ġingo (Antida and Jingo)
*Konfettura, Friegħi u Insetti! (Dried Fruit, twigs and Insects!)
*L-Immarkati (The Markati)
*Għand Marthese tax-Xagħar (At the Hairdresser's)
*Fil-Ġnien tad-Dar il-Ħamra (In the Red House's Garden)
*Il-Pa Gunther (The Pa Gunther)
*Il-Magħżul (The Chosen One)
*Il-Ġrajja ta' Fennimore Glenn u r-Reġina l-Ħadra (The Adventure of Fennimore Glenn and the Green Queen)
**L-Ewwel Parti: Kliem ix-Xiħ (The First Part: The Old Man's Words)
**It-Tieni Parti: F'Bosk Brontun (The Second Part: In Brontun Forest)
**It-Tielet Parti: L-Umiltà (The Third Part: Humility)
*Milied f'Għawdex (Christmas inGozo )
*Għand Żaren tat-Te (At Żaren's Tea-Shop)
*Tilwima (An Argument)
*Djalogu Telepatiku (A Telepathic Dialogue)
*Spjegazzjoni (An Explanation)
*Il-Ġimgħa Filgħodu (Friday Morning)
*L-Għeruqarja (TheRadicalia Esoterica )
*Rakkonti (Stories)
*Elaine u Ġingo (Elaine and Jingo)
*In-Nepitija ta' Antida (Antida's Niece)
*Lejla fid-Dar ta' Kristjan (An Evening at Christian's House)
*Djalogu Telepatiku Ieħor (Another Telepathic Dialogue)
*Fid-Dar il-Ħamra (In the Red House)
*Ikla mal-Familja Rapa (Dinner with the Rapas)
*Ma' Reggie fil-Ġnien (With Reggie in the Garden)
*Kejk taz-Zunnarija (Carrot Cake )
*Lejl Imqalleb (Sleeoless Night)
*Avventura fl-Għeluq (Adventure without Air)
*Jason u l-Kotba (Jason and the Books)
*Bla Muftieħ (Without a Key)
*Fuq it-Telefown (On the Telephone)
*Paniku taħt l-Art (Panic Underground)
*In-Naħa l-Oħra (The Other Side)
*Lura d-Dar (Back Home)
*Il-Fidda Nieqsa (The Missing Silver)
*Taqa' Dalma fuq l-Isqaq (The Lane Darkens)
*Purċissjoni ta' l-Immarkati (A Procession of the Markati)
*Anita u Jeanelle (Anita and Jeanelle)
*Taħwid, Veritajiet, Gideb u Sigrieti (Confusion, Truths, Lies and Secrets)
*Ġimagħtejn Wara (Two Weeks Later)
*Id-Daħka tal-Fiddien (The Fiddien's Laughter)
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