

Specialisterne (The Specialists) is a Danish Social Innovator Company using the characteristics of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as competitive advantages in the business market.

Specialisterne provide services such as software testing, quality control and data conversion for business leading companies in Denmark.In addition Specialisterne assess and train people with ASD to meet the requirements of the business sector.

The company provides a working environment where it is ‘normal’ to have ASD and where the role of the management and staff is to create the best possible working environment for the employees with ASD.


The son of founder Thorkil Sonne was given the diagnosis “infantile autism, normal intelligence” at age 3.Thorkil became president of a local chapter of Autism Denmark for three years where he learned that people with ASD seldom have a chance to use their special skills in the labour market.

After 15 years working with IT within telecommunication companies Thorkil knew the value of the skills he saw in people with ASD.

Thanks to the support of his family Thorkil was able to start up Specialisterne based on a loan in their house and his family’s belief in his vision.


Specialisterne has 50+ employees of which approximately 75% have a diagnose within the Autism Spectrum. Offices are in Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark

Enabling Centre Services include training programs to access and build up personal, social and professional skills for people with ASD – no formal education or job experiences are expected.

LEGO Mindstorms robot technology is used as a tool to detect the strengths, the motivation and the development opportunities of the individual with ASD.

Business Centre Services include software tests, quality control, documentation and data entries with a high attention to details and accuracy for Danish and international customers like TDC, Grundfos, KMD, CSC, Microsoft and Oracle.

Academy Centre Services focus on transferring knowledge on how to turn disabilities into abilities.The services are speeches, workshops and courses on based on the method of positive thinking called The Dandelion Model.


Specialisterne has been presented with:
* Initiative Award 2005, Mid Jutland IT Association
* Network Special Award 2005, the Danish National Network of Business Leaders
* Best Large Social Firm Europe 2006, CEFEC, the European confederation of Social Firms

Thorkil Sonne has been presented with:
* Autism Award 2004, Autism Denmark
* Best Track Presentation, EuroSTAR 2005
* Best Keynote Presentation, EuroSTAR 2006
* ARTE as European of the Week, June 2007
* IT Award 2008, Danish IT Industry Association


* ‘Specialisterne: Sense & Details’, Case Study, Harvard Business School
* Multiple features on Specialisterne have been broadcasted by Danish and international TV and radio broadcast channels.
* Multiple articles have been written in Danish and international magazines (type in ‘Thorkil Sonne Specialisterne’ in a search engine for updated list)

External links

Official site

* [http://www.specialisterne.com/ Specialisterne website]

ee also

*Aspergers Syndrome

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