Service Web 3.0

Service Web 3.0

name=Service Web 3.0
title=Service Web 3.0
fundingAgency=European Union

projectType=Support Action
coordinator=STI Innsbruck at the University of Innsbruck
participants=The Open University, [ Poznań University of Economics] , [ Semantic Technology Institute International]
budget=720 000 Euro
funding=480 000 Euro
start=January 2008
end=December 2009

Service Web 3.0 is a support action project funded by the European Commission as a part of the Seventh Framework Programme (7FP). It runs from January 2008 to the end of 2009. The Project is coordinated by [ Dr. Elena Simperl] (Semantic Technology Institute STI at the University of Innsbruck)


The mission of Service Web 3.0 is to provide roadmaps for various target groups, organise and coordinate standardisation activities, conferences and other events together with national and regional programmes and initiatives that will enable the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) revolution towards the next generation of the World Wide Web, which will be a Web of services.

Focus of the project

*Organise specially focused conferences and seminars
*Support standardisation activities for semantic service description
*Establish collaborative groups and publish roadmaps to facilitate a communal framework for a future service world
*Set-up of dedicated cross-project clusters focusing on Semantic Web Services within STI International
*Raise awareness through provision of information materials comprising white papers, feasibility studies, promotional movies and raising awareness for technology adoption.
*Exploit synergies through networking and cross-fertilisation with other research and network projects related to this area

External links

* [ Service Web 3.O Project Home]
* [ Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)]
* [ STI Innsbruck at the University of Innsbruck]
* [ KMI at the Open University]
* [ KIE at Poznań Unoversity of Economics]
* [ STI International]
* [ Future Internet Portal]


*"R. Benjamins, J. Davies, E. Dorner, J. Domingue, D. Fensel, O. Lopez, R. Volz, A. Wahler, M. Zaremba, Service Web 3.0, Technical Report,
*"M. Brodie, C. Bussler, J. de Brujin, T. Fahringer, D. Fensel, M. Hepp, H. Lausen, D. Roman, T. Strang, H. Werthner, and M. Zaremba: Semantically Enabled Service Oriented Architectures: A Manifesto and a Paradigm Shift in Computer Science, DERI Technical Report TR20051226, 26 December 2005.

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