SITOR ("si"mplex "t"eletype "o"ver "r"adio) is a transmission mode used to transmit textual messages akin to regular radioteletype (RTTY), but implements simple error correction.

Two modes of SITOR are used:
* SITOR-A which implements automatic repeat request (ARQ) -- sometimes called AMTOR
* SITOR-B which implements forward error correction (FEC) -- sometimes called NAVTEX

SITOR is used commonly on shortwave bands, where it is used to transmit maritime-related information such as weather forecasts and storm warnings. In the United States, it is regularly used by the United States Coast Guard.

SITOR has an aurally easy to identify idling pattern. Synchronization bursts are transmitted every second or so and last for slightly more than one second. Every few sync bursts, a Morse identifier of three letters is transmitted (for example NMO in Honolulu).

ee also

* Shortwave
* Radioteletype
* PSK31

External links

* [ Spectogram of SITOR-B idle pattern, with description]
* [ US Coast Guard SITOR schedules (NOAA)]
* [ "Digital Modes - AMTOR, Packet, RTTY, TCP/IP"] from ARRL

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