- Serbian World Congress
Serbian World Congress (Serbian: "Srpski svetski kongres ") is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-party international organization. The Serbian World Congress (SWC) aims to unite and network Serbian associations and institutions throughout the world so as to assist in their successful functioning and to promote the Serbian heritage world-wide. The SWC works in the interests of both the Serbian Homeland and its Diaspora.
The core principle of the Serbian World Congress is that all Serbs are responsible for one another. SWC seek to achieve this by governing with consensus and celebrating unity in Serbian vast diversity.
The Serbian World Congress is an international organization whose mission is to address the interests and needs of Serbs and Serbian communities throughout the world.
Founded in Belgrade in 2007 to unite the Serbian people , the SWC is the representative body of Serbian communities and organizations in nearly 50 countries from Argentina to Zimbabwe across six continents. It seeks to foster the unity and creative survival of the Serbian people while maintaining its spiritual, cultural and social heritage.
The Serbian World Congress SWC is an an umbrella group of international federation of serbian communities and organizations in nearly 50 countries. Representing Serbs from the entire political and religious spectrum, it tries to preserve the principle of unity in diversity
Mission : To foster the unity of the Serbian people and the strive for the fulfillment of its aspirations and to ensure the continuity and development of its religious spiritual, cultural, and social heritage .
To co-ordinate the common interest of its members and defend Serbian rights and status. To maintain links for Serbs in countries which do NOT HAVE diplomatic relations with Republika Serbia or Republika Srpska, securing the political rights of Serbian communities.
It works to act as a diplomatic envoy for the worldwide Serbian community. It is a Serbian diaspora organization, strongly supporting the State of Srbia and Republika Srpska .
The Serbian World Congress SWC seeks to protect Serbs and Serbian communities wherever their political, religious, cultural or other human rights are in danger. It works in the field of inter-religious dialogue, in particular with the Vatican and the World Council of Churches and Jewish religious communities. Research centre in Belgrade: Institute of The Serbian World Congress SWC . The Australian-Serbian section includes a Serbain Migration Museum ( member of UNESCO-IMO Migration Museum Network ).
Keywords Culture of peace; History; Human rights; Serbian Orthodox Church; Anti-Racism ,Anti-serbism.
Role model is World Jewish Congres.
Towards these ends, the Serbian World Congress works to : Secure the rights and safety Serbs and Serbian communities around the world ; Intensify the bonds of world Serbs and strengthen the ties of solidarity among Serbian communities everywhere ; Act in coordination with and on behalf of Serbian communities before governmental, intergovernmental and other international authorities on matters concerning the Serbian people, and ; Cooperate with all peoples on the basis of universal ideas of peace, freedom and justice. Membership in the SWC is open to all representative serbian groups or communities, irrespective of the social, political or economic ideology of the community’s host country. The Serbian World Congress is supported by those communities and individual members who as concerned Serbian citizens want their voices to be heard on matters of concern to the Serbian people.
With current headquarters in Belgrade , the SWC has affiliate offices or representatives around the world including London, Brussels, New York, Berlin, Budapest, Constanca, Buenos Aires, Geneva, Johannesburg, Moscow, Toronto, Paris, and Sydney.
SWC organized demonstration in 50 cities around word against ilegal self praclaimed independence of Kosovo :
Blic Online in English | Society | In more than 50 towns in the world the Serbs yesterday protested peacefully against illegal secession of Kosovo, Serbian world congress announced. ...www.blic.co.yu/society.php?id=1634 - 19k - Cached
As a global leader, the Serbian World Congress received special credentials and recognition at the United Nations making it unique among world-wide organizations as it enjoys a place in the U.N. ( Member UNESCO IMO MM Initiative ).
At 24 May 2008 Serbian World Congres was host of first Congres of World Diaspora Organization.It was Final day of Eurosong Contest held in Belgrade at same day.
Five hundred delgats ,ambasadors ,ministers ,representatives of International UN amd NGO organizations atended eevents held in Parlament of Serbia ,same Historical magnificent Building where was held first official miting of leaders of Non-aligment Movment.
First President of SWC is Zoran Jovicic Publisher from Australia.
In 1994, Zoran Jovicic was elected president of Serbian Business Society "Privrednik" most important Serbian educational charity and in 2008 hi is elected president of the Serbian World Congress. Today, he is traing to serve with honor and distinction among the world’s foremost international leaders, diplomats, and statesmen like Mr Lauder president of World Jewish Congress.
Together with board members has led the Serbian World Congress in becoming the pre-eminent international Serbian diplomatic body. Through the campaigns against independence of Kosovo, exposing the genocide against Serbs during Second World War, actions to achieve a measure of moral and material justice for victims of the Genocide and their heirs, fight rightwing extremists , stamp out the threat of anti-Serbism, and defend Republika Srbia and Republika Srpska ’s right to a peaceful existence in their Dayton and 1244 UN resolution borders, Mr. Jovicic , and the entire SWC family have made the struggles of world Serbs their own.
Sample of a statement of SWC President which is published by Serbian State News Agency and by number od Serbian and Foreign Embassies and diplomatic buletiness
BELGRADE, Jan 16 (Tanjug) - President of the Serbian World Congress, which rallies Serbian Diaspora associations, Zoran Jovicic, has sent an open letter to UN Security Council member states on behalf of the three million strong Serbian Diaspora, in which he calls on them to observe the UN Charter and support further negotiations of Belgrade and Pristina until a solution acceptable to both sides is reached.
For the Serbian Diaspora is unacceptable a unilateral breaking away of Kosovo as that would set a dangerous precedent that would certainly lead to the breaking away of minorities in several dozen countries of Africa, Asia and Europe, Jovicic said. According to him, that could create hundreds of millions of new refugees, humanitarian, economic and ecological disasters. In the event of the unilateral independence of Kosovo, Jovicic said, it will be difficult and unjust to ban an independence referendum in the Republic of Srpska, particularly if we take into account the horrific genocide that the Serbian people suffered in BiH at the hands of the Ustasha, in WW II.
The danger of continued support to separatist movements is also reflected in the possible loss of independence of a growing number of small states. Former colonial powers would under the pretext of peacekeeping missions establish protectorates, or colonial governors, as the ones they have today in Kosovo and In BiH, Jovicic said.
Daily SurveyBELGRADE, Jan 16 (Tanjug) - President of the Serbian World Congress, which rallies Serbian Diaspora associations, Zoran Jovicic, has sent an open letter to ...www.mfa.gov.yu/Bilteni/Engleski/b170108_e.html - 40k - Cached
Kosovo News - Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in London, Great ...BELGRADE, 16 January 2008 (Tanjug) - President of the Serbian World Congress, which rallies Serbian Diaspora associations, Zoran Jovicic, has sent an open ...www.serbianembassy.org.uk/eng/kosovoNews.php?pageID=3 - 69k
As it have been for nearly 110 years as Privrednik Society established 1897 in Zagreb ( Austria-Hungary ), now with the Serbian World Congress continues to be the permanent address of the Serbian people from all continents.
BS Radio - SerbianAnd he is a President of the Serbian World Congress. Serbia now has the biggest European percentage of population born out of Serbia and one of biggest ...www.radio.sbs.com.au/language.php?happening=6121&language=Serbian - 24k
Daily SurveyBELGRADE, Jan 16 (Tanjug) - President of the Serbian World Congress, which rallies Serbian Diaspora associations, Zoran Jovicic, has sent an open letter to ...www.mfa.gov.yu/Bilteni/Engleski/b170108_e.html - 40k - Cached
Blic Online in English | Society | In more than 50 towns in the world the Serbs yesterday protested peacefully against illegal secession of Kosovo, Serbian world congress announced. ...www.blic.co.yu/society.php?id=1634 - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
Kosovo News - Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in London, Great ...BELGRADE, 16 January 2008 (Tanjug) - President of the Serbian World Congress, which rallies Serbian Diaspora associations, Zoran Jovicic, has sent an open ...www.serbianembassy.org.uk/eng/kosovoNews.php?pageID=3 - 69k
External links
* [Http://www.radio.sbs.com.au/language.php?happening=6121&language=Serbian] reportage Australian TV about Serbian World Congress, Serbian Migration Museum -UNESCO
* [Http://www.swc.eurowiki.net]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.