Western Lesser Bamboo Lemur

Western Lesser Bamboo Lemur

name = Western Lesser Bamboo LemurMSW3 Groves | pages=116-117]
status = VU
status_ref = IUCN2007 | assessors = Ganzhorn, J. "et al" | year = 2000 | id = 9678 | title = Hapalemur griseus "ssp." occidentalis | downloaded = 2008-03-30]
status_system = iucn3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Primates
familia = Lemuridae
genus = "Hapalemur"
species = "H. occidentalis"
binomial = "Hapalemur occidentalis"
binomial_authority = (Rumpler, 1975)
The Western Lesser Bamboo Lemur ("Hapalemur occidentalis") is species of bamboo lemur endemic to Madagascar. The total length of this primate is 55-67 centimeters, more than half of which is tail, and average weight is just under 1 kilogram.cite book|title=Lemurs of Madagascar, Second Edition|author=Mittermeier, Russell, et al|year=2006|page=220] It lives in several discontinuous areas in northern and western Madagascar, including Ankarana and Analamerana in the north, Sambirano and the Ampasindava Penninsula in the northwest, and various areas in the west between the Mahavany and Tsiribihina Rivers.


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