- Bharat Sevashram Sangha
The "Bharat Sevashram Sangha" is a prominent charitable, philanthropic and religious organization founded by the illustrious patriot saint, Acharya Srimat Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj in 1917 at Bajitpur (now in
Madaripur District ,Bangladesh ).Bharat Sevashram Sangha is a vast network of volunteers across the globe dedicated to helping people in distress. The Sangha's social welfare activities include disaster relief, spreading education, providing healthcare facilities, vocational training, relief and upliftment of the downtrodden.The Founder
Acharaya Swami Pranavananda was born on January 29 in 1896. He left this world in 1941 at
Ballygunge inCalcutta . In 1917, Acharya Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj opened the first Bharat Sevashram Sangha (Then it was Bajitpur Sevashram and Acharyadeva was Brahmachari Vinod), now in Bangladesh. He shaped the life and character of young boys after those of his own and these enthusiastic disciples formed a brotherhood of self-sacrificing monks. The Sangha then went on to open its Ashram inKolkata in 1919. It soon had to be shifted to the present location due to rapid growth and expansion in its activities.Core Values
Divine Messages
"1.This country has maintained close contact with God lifelong, and intends to do so in future. This country is not that which has accepted materialism is the summon bonum of life. This country attaches greater importance to morality, religion and spiritualism.
2.We must banish indolence, drowsiness and indifference and cultivate vigorous capacity for hard work so that it can inspire us to high endeavor, infuse power and reawaken us.
3.To alter the religious atmosphere at present prevailing in India, millions of selfless workers are needed immediately. It is the influence of these selfless persons that will change the attitude of the people of the whole country. Then in that changed atmosphere and attitude a new nation will be built up.
4.Man wants power and peace, where there is restraint, there is power and power begets peace, surely.
5.Self-control is at the root of health, happiness, peace and power. It gives immeasurable enthusiasm, fervent zeal and strong perseverance in the heart of a man. It gives him steadfastness and capacity for endurance.
6.The only way to control and pacify the restless mind is to fix ever-vigilant eyes on the aims and ideals of life.
7.Mind finds its utmost repose in thinking of and meditating on God.
8.Read every day, do study, think and deliberate on the characters and lives of great men.
9.At present, the greatest need of the country is of men in the true sense of the term. Building of manly qualities should get first priority to the development of the country, the nation and of the society. If we can not train up men properly, all our efforts will be fruitless. That's why I have taken the vow to build up men first of all.
10.The foundation of life must be laid very firmly. Self-sacrifice, self-restraint, adherence to truth and continence comprise the main foundation of life. Life built well on this foundation, ensures development of human qualities.
""The Greatest Illustrious Yogi of the Century
It was the blessed evening of the holy full-moon day in the month of Megha in 1896, the dream that Shiva declaring himself "I shall incarnate myself as thy son" turned into a reality. The baby God adorned the lap of the blessed mother Starved and father ishnucharan overwhelmed with joy went on chanting the name "Shiva Shiva".Being born on Wednesday and afterwards Binode, source of joy, grew up like a waxing moon shedding a luster of celestial joy in the heart of all. Most of his time Binode sunk in meditation and was lost in inner world, divine trances far far away from world outside.Binode slept little, ate also too little. His guiding motto was that idleness, inertia, procrastination, slothfulness, slumbering habits were the greatest enemies of man. When grew to adolescence and sent to school he expressed with sobbing hearthis deep concern to his headmaster at the moral degradation of his fellow students and always reflected upon how to save these young budding flowers, future assets of the nation from moral ruin. Once he expressed his determination to take sanyas and dedicatehis life for the moral and spiritual emancipation of the nation. Watching from very near Binode's overwhelming compassion and serenity of heart, spiritual fervor, heroic conviction and prophetic vision, headmaster Shri Birendra firmly felt from within that this uncommon boy is sure to become a veteran infallible nation builder.
As guardian of youths brhmachari Binode's love and care for them was so deep, so sincere, so touching and his treatment so friendly, so kind, so sympathetic that any of them, the moment he came in touch with him would intuitively take the brhamacharito be his great friend and well wisher and confided to him his inmost secrets and open to him innermost pages of the book of his heart.
When Brahmachari was quite young, tremendous wave of patriotism swept over Bengal and vigorous revolutionary movement was fast gaining ground. Even in the middle of his teens, he loved these youths very dearly and earnestly sought their welfare.He was always up and doing by his inspiring instructions as also by instance of his own life and character to awaken the sleeping lion in them. In him we see physical strength, mental power and spiritual greatness wedded together homogeneously, into a perfectfull-blown, unique personality. Whenever in the history of India, such a divine personality appeared with such a rare and unique combination of Brahma-Tejas and kshatravirya in his life and character kingdom of heaven with universal peace and happiness hasestablished on earth. The lives of Rama and Srikrishna stand as glorious instances of the same. Swami Pranabanandaji's love for the poor, depressed, helpless and downtrodden people were unparalleled. He said "collect and knit up carefully togetherall the scattered individual into a great social power and thus relieve the poor and depressed, save the helpless and downtrodden, bestow peace and bliss on the heart of the people in sorrow and agony." His heart always bled for all high and low, speciallyfor those in the lower stages of the society.
Swami Pranabananda was a born Yogi, always drawn to the innerself like the great Shiva, the Lord of the Yogis. From his boyhood he was found one adept in meditation and contemplation like the Budha. His discrimination of the real from the unreality, the complete dispassion of the transitory world-phantom, his glowing self knowledge, his unflinching Brhmacharya naturally put him in the same platform with Jagatguru Acharya Shankara. His fatherly love, sympathy and compassion for the degraded, the distressed and downtrodden humanity and his life long service towards their amelioration and uplift, remind one of Sri chaitanya, the mercy incarnation of Lord.
Jogiraj Baba Gambhirnathji and Govindananda Girji were behind Br. Binode with their devine force and inspiration in his spiritual journey. In 1916 A.D. on the blessed day of Maghi purnima under the Kadamba tree, Br Binode blossomed in full maturity,illumination dawned on him. Divine Mission before his cosmic vision manifested. In that ecstatic state of mind he declared, "This is the age of universal awakening, universal unification, universal harmonization, and an age of universal emancipation".
In the year 1923, on the same auspicious Maghi Purnima day in the hermitage in Bijitpur before Brahmachrins and sannyasins Yugacharya Swami Pranabanandaji explained the ideology behind the epithet of great Bharat Sevashram Sanga which is now spread all over India and many other countries in the world, well-known for its humanitarian and spiritual services. Acharyadeva said 'Bharat' indicates the Sangha's primary object is emancipation of the people on the eternal lofty ideals of India or Bharat. 'Seva' imports the idea of serving the people physically, mentally, morally and spiritually, 'Ashrama' suggests the system which is based and disciplined on the ideals and practice of renunciation, self-control, truth, continence and honest labor, 'Sanga' means organization. Sangha through its ideals and practice will infuse an organizational spirit amongst the disintegrated masses, towards building up of a well-compact andpowerful nationality.
ocial Services & Relief Work
Sangha's large network of volunteers enables the Sangha to respond promptly and effectively to disasters like famines, droughts, floods, earthquakes and other calamities. We focus on meeting immediate basic human needs by providing shelter, food, and health relief services. We also provide assistance to individuals and families affected by disaster to enable them to resume their normal daily activities independently. Hundreds of monks joined forces to provide extensive relief and rehabilitation during the Bengal famine, Midnapore cyclone, Oakhali riot Bihar flood, Maharashtra earthquake and 2004 tsunami among others.
The Sangha’s first disaster relief project can be traced to 1923 with the Bengal Famine. Through the last 89 years the Sangha has responded to natural calamities such as the West Bengal Floods (1978, 1998, and 2001), Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1980), Cyclone in Andhra Pradesh (1996), and Super cyclone in Orissa (1999), Bhuj earthquake (2001), Mumbai & Gujarat Flash Flood (2005).The Sangha also provide services at times of political unrest such as the India-Pakistan partition and the Bangladesh Liberation Movement by setting up refugee camps and war evacuee camps.
The state of Tamil Nadu as the worst affected with a death toll of 7,793. Districts of Cuddalore, Nagapattinam and Chennai were amongst the worst hit. The Sangha was one of the first to begin massive relief operations.
Cooked food was distributed continuously to more than 5000 tsunami affected people for a week through our Free Food Program. Basic cooking ingredients such as groceries, pulses, rice and other supplies were also handled out. Clothing, blankets, baby food, polythene sheets and medical supplies were disbursed to marooned districts.
The tsunami swept away a large number of houses leaving a vast majority of families in temporary shelters or camps. The Sangha launched a rehabilitation drive by volunteering to help rebuild houses. More than 150 houses were constructed at Sonankuppam village in Cuddaloer. Mechanised boats and fishing nets were also distributed to local fisherfolk.
EducationA large majority of India’s population has little or no access to educational opportunities. Realising that the spread of education in rural and semi urban areas is crucial to the development of the nation, the Sangha operates more than a 100 institutions in the country providing quality education to disadvantaged children. This combined with vocational training programs empower the youth to be self-sufficient and economically independent.
The Sangha runs institutes for formal and non-formal education which include primary schools, night schools, junior basic schools, junior high schools, high schools and colleges.
We focus on a holistic approach with academic education imparted in harmony with moral and spiritual teachings. Students are taught to respect the traditions and culture of their country, realize the dignity of labour and the fundamental principles of human life, which contributes to building their character.
Pilgrim ServicesThe Sangha actively provides services for pilgrims at places of worship and religious fairs. Started in 1924, this movement now enjoys a country-wide support from all sections of the society. The Sangha has played a pivotal role in creating a healthy and favourable atmosphere at these places. The services include free shelter and facilities, medical treatment and spiritual services.
Kumbha Mela derives its name from the immortal – Pot of Nectar- described in ancient Vedic scriptures known as the Puranas Kumbha in Sanskrit languages means “pot or pitcher’. Mela means ‘festival’. The Kumbh Mela is the largest pilgrimage gathering in the worlds attended by millions of people from across the globe. The pilgrimage occurs four times every twelve years, once at each four locations in the country
Tribal Welfare Our income generation programs reflect our belief that social equity is impossible without economic empowerment. The two have to go hand in hand and complement each other. The Sangha is active in providing vocational training and skill upgradation leading to sustainable employment opportunities.
The economy of Ghatshila and adjoining areas have suffered due to the closure of several industries leaving a large majority unemployed. To counter this shortfall, we began programs imparting vocational training. The Sangha runs 2 handlooms weaving centres, a soft luggage centre, a carpentry workshop and a handicraft training and production unit empowering 238 tribal.
Tribal youth are also sent to our Delhi Ashram for computer education, which has helped 300 tribal to gain direct employment in different welfare projects.
Agro faming has also been assisting tribal farm a variety of vegetables and fruits using modern tools and technology. The Sangha has setup a Agro Horticulture Project or a model demonstration farm which imparts training to local farmers to help them derive maximum yield from their meager resources.
The Sangha also imparts vocational training through weaving and knitting centers, cane and bamboo centers as well as jute and handicraft centers
Health care The Sangha operates a multi-specialty free hospital at its Ashram in Barajuri. It is the only medical facility within an area of 12000 sp. km. The hospital has cared for 548 patients and has recently introduced an ambulance service extending its geographical reach. The Ashram also runs a charitable dispensary. Four mobile medical units operating at 64 locations provide health care facilities to 200000 people under the Government of India’s Grant-in-Aid program.
Awareness campaigns are organized to make tribal more conscious of health risks. Interactive aids such as audio-visual presentations are used to educate the tribal on issues of health and hygiene.
Cancer Care Unit, MumbaiThe Sangha setup a Cancer Care Unit that offers specialized consultation, a chemotherapy day-care centre and a home for cancer patients. The chemotherapy day-care centre provides specialized consultation for cancer patients under the supervision of eminent medical oncologists. Plans are underway to expand the existing capacity and infrastructure. The unit cared for 2000 patients last year and was unable to cope with the increased inflow of patients due accurate diagnosis is central to complete treatment and care. A Diagnostic Centre is therefore being conceptualized.
A large majority of people travel to Mumbai for cancer treatment and are often unable to cope with the financial and mental burden. BSS, Navi Mumbai setup the First Seva Niketan to help patients and their families by providing by providing free accommodation, free transportation to the hospital, subsidized canteen facilities, counseling and awareness programs, etc. Mumbai now has 3 Seva Niketans operating a total of 32 rooms and 8 dormitories and has assisted 6838 patients till date.
Leprosy Control & Welfare ServicesAbout 286,000 cases of leprosy were detected globally in 2005. India is home to 70% of the world’s leprosy patients. The challenging task is not only the eradication of the afflicted into mainstream society. The Sangha first approached this public health problem in 1981. Work started in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand with Leprosy Welfare and Rehabilitation Programs covering a population of 1 million. The Sangha runs 4 referral leprosy hospitals for severe reaction and serious ulcer homes for old, infirm and destitute leprosy patients. A Leprosy Colony is also being planned.Rehabilitation programs have been introduced to reduce the impact of disabilities on the social and economic life of leprosy-affected people. The programs enable them to undertake income-generating occupations to support themselves and their families. We also advocate awareness programs that disseminate accurate information about leprosy.
The Sangha has setup a Leprosy Rehabilitation Promotion Unit. This Unit, conceptualized on the guidelines laid down by the Government of India, carries out surgical operations correcting deformities caused by leprosy. Over 350 patients have been assisted and rehabilitated into society. These operations have been carried out free of cost by eminent surgeons. Vocational training programs are organized to encourage patients to be self-sufficient. The Sangha also assists in rebuilding old dilapidated leprosy colonies. Children of leprosy patients now have access to education. Schools uniforms, food, books and other facilities are provided free of cost.
Presence Worldwide
North America USA, Chicago: Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America USA, New York: America Sevashram Sangha USA, New York: New York Hindu Milan Mandir USA, Maryland: Maryland Hindu Mandir Bajitpur Gardens USA, New Jersey: Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America USA, Minnesota: Hindu Milan Mandir USA, Los Angeles: Bharat Sevashram Sangha Canada, Toronto: Canada Sevashram Sangha Canada, Toronto: Pranavananda Ashram Trinidad: Trinidad Sevashram Sangha
South America Guyana, Cove & John: Guyana Sevashram Sangha Guyana, Nigg: Nigg Sevashram Sangha Trinidad, Felicity: Trinidad Sevashram Sangha Trinidad, Caparo: Hindu Milan Mandir Trinidad, Bokaro: Hindu Milan Mandir Trinidad, Freeport: Hindu Milan Mandir Trinidad, Pairo Road: Hindu Milan Mandir
Europe U. K., London: London Sevashram Sangha
Asia (outside India) Bangladesh Bajitpur Dhaka Khulna Ashashani Pathakkandi Madaripur Nagoan Sriramkthi Ramnathpur Nepal Kathmandu Fiji Suva LautokaIndia West Bengal Kolkata: head office Kolkata (Garia) Siliguri Gangasagar Bankura Horekhali Colonelgola Raiganj (Uttar Dinajpur district) Bihar Gaya Jharkhand Ghatshila (East Singhbhum district) Jamshedpur Orissa Puri Malda (Bargarh district) Uttar Pradesh Varanasi Allahabad Mathura, Vrindavan Delhi New Delhi Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh Andhra Pradesh Hyderbad Maharastra Mumbai Gujarat Ahmedabad Surat Rajasthan Haryana Kurukshetra Punjab Uttaranchal Haridwar Kedarnath Ukhimath Gourikunda Badrinath Tamil Nadu Ramesvaram Kanyakumari Other States Andaman & Nicobar Sikkim Assam Meghalaya Tripura Mizoram Manipur Nagaland Arunachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Goa Karnataka Kerala
Contact Information
The address of the international head office of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha is 211,
Rashbehari Avenue , Kolkata 700019.Overseas Branches
The Acharya initiated several missions abroad,
East Africa n states,Malaysia ,Indonesia , and other countries. The Sangha has also established associate religious and cultural centres inTrinidad ,Guyana ,Fiji ,USA ,Canada ,United Kingdom ,West Indies ,South America andNepal .Bharath Sevashram Sangha of North America - New Jersey Chapter [http://www.bssnj.org]
The Sangha
Bharat Sevashram Sangha is a philanthropic and charitable organization with a firm and enduring commitment to improving the lives of the underprivileged. This guiding principle of concern for the weak and deprived citizens has been the force that has guided its members to dedicate their lives to serving humanity. They are very active in relief work arising due to natural and man-made calamities in India.
Ideology of the Sangha
The Sangha works on the following ideologies:
BHARAT The cultural and spiritual ethos of India runs through its primary objectives of emancipation of people
SEVA Their commitment to serve people physically, mentally, morally and spiritually.
ASHRAM A disciplined system based on the ideals and practices of renunciation, self-control, truth, confidence and honest labor.
SANGHA A coming together of organizational ideals structured into a framework.Funding and Resources
The Sangha's main resources are drawn from its network of more than 400 selfless monks who are devoted to the cause of helping people in distress.
Volunteering is an integral part of this organization's framework.
The volunteers sell pamphlets as a source of earning revenue. They are also occasionally given grants by the local and national governments. The Sangha also receives donations in the form of land from Governments and patrons that are used for the activities of the Sangha. The Sangha and the services dwell on the contributions and donations of individuals and corporates for the cause of charity.
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