- List of mire landscapes in Switzerland
This list is from the "Inventory of Mire Landscapes of Particular Beauty and National Importance" of
Switzerland .References
*cite swiss law| sr = 451.35 | link = 451_35 | art = pp1 | date = 1996-05-01 | en = Ordinance on the Protection of Mire Landscapes of Particular Beauty and National Importance | enab = | de = Verordnung über den Schutz der Moorlandschaften von besonderer Schönheit und von nationaler Bedeutung | deab = Moorlandschaftsverordnung | fr = Ordonnance sur la protection des sites marécageux d'une beauté particulière et d'importance nationale | frab = Ordonnance sur les sites marécageux | it = Ordinanza sulla protezione delle zone palustri di particolare bellezza e di importanza nazionale | itab = Ordinanza sulle zone palustri
External links
* [http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/designations-factsheet.jsp?fromWhere=en&idDesign=CH07&geoscope=34 Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA): Switzerland - Mire Landscapes of National Importance (CH07)]
* [http://www.kbnl.ch/site/d/lebensraeume/moorlandschaften/04_03.htm Map] de icon
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