Pedro Salinas

Pedro Salinas

Pedro Salinas y Serrano (November 27, 1891, Madrid–December 4, 1951, Boston) was a Spanish poet and member of the Generation of '27. He was also a scholar and critic of Spanish literature, teaching at universities in Spain, England, and the United States.


Pedro Salinas is considered one of the leading persons of the Spanish literary movement of year '27.

His father died when he was a child. As a youngster in Madrid, Salinas developed interest in various topics, including law, philosophy and writing, and dreamed of becoming involved in all these areas.

He then went on to teach at the Sorbonne (Paris) from 1914 to 1917. There, he developed a passion for Marcel Proust's works, translating the first two volumes and part of the third of the vast "In Search of Lost Time" into Spanish.

When he returned to Spain, he began lecturing at the University of Seville, the University of Murcia, and the University of Santander. In 1922-1923, Salinas taught at Cambridge University. The Spanish Second Republic appointed him rector of the International Menendez Pelayo University.

The Spanish Civil War made him leave the country. He then taught in several universities of the United States and Puerto Rico, including the Johns Hopkins University.

He was laid to rest in Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery in San Juan in accordance with his wishes.

elected poems

*"Aquí" (Here)
*"Ayer te besé en los labios" (I Kissed Your Lips Yesterday)
*"El alma tenías" (The Soul You Had)
*"¿Fue como beso o llanto?" (Was It Like Kissing or Crying?)
*"Horizontal, , te quiero" (Horizontal, Yes, I Love You)
*"Largo lamento" (Long Lament)
*"Razón de amor" (Love's Reason)
*"Presagios" (Omens)
*"Underwood Girls"
*"El contemplado (mar, poema)" (The contemplated (sea, poem))

External links

* [] (Spanish)
* [] (Spanish, P. Salinas' poem collection)

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