Abdelkader Guerroudj

Abdelkader Guerroudj

Abdelkader Guerroudj, an Algerian, and his French wife, Jacqueline Guerroudj, were condemned to death in December 1957 as accomplices of Fernand Yveton, the only European who was guillotined for his part in the Algerian revolt. As a result of a high profile campaign in France, where the issue was called "L'Affaire Guerroudj", neither was executed [cite book |url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=IfPxfEQpW38C&pg=PA26&lpg=PA26&dq=%22abdelkader+guerroudj%22&source=web&ots=Bj0FEK_45u&sig=BlIC1GY2QH76LJpzMX75VjU0vuY&hl=en|title=Uncivil War: Intellectuals and Identity Politics During the Decolonization|isbn=0812235886|date=2001|author=James D. Le Sueur] .

Guerroudj was a political officer of the Algerian Communist Party who liaised between the Communist Combattants de la Libération and the FLN [cite journal |title=Nous sommes tous des assassins|journal=Les Temps Modernes|issue=145|date=March 1958|pages=1574–1576|author=Jean-Paul Sartre] [cite book |url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=FItC2Hr7ZMsC&pg=PA62&lpg=PA62&dq=+%22Abdelkader+Guerroudj%22&source=web&ots=cvFVUoK5LX&sig=dx7fbxbefA4LQ5jGPo853apJL1Q&hl=en|title=Colonialism and Neocolonialism |isbn= 0415191459|date=2001|author=Jean-Paul Sartre] [cite news |url=http://www.elwatan.com/spip.php?page=article&id_article=13857|title=Journée du chahid |work=El Watan|date=2005-02-19|author=Reda Bekkat] .

His step-daughter, Danièle Minne, was sentenced, on 4 December 1957, to 7 years in prison for her part in the revolt.

A declaration made by Guerroudj to the court is sometimes cited as showing that some pro-independence Algerian activists nevertheless hoped for close relations with France after independence:

"I am sure that we will need material, technicians, doctors and professors to construct our country; it is to France which we address ourselves first. I believe that would be in the true interest of both of our countries. It is not in the interest of France to have valets ready at every moment here to run to the call of the most powerful master, but friends who have freely consented to this friendship." [cite journal |title=Déclaration d'Abdelkader Guerroudj au début de procès|journal=Les Temps Modernes|issue=145|date=March 1958|pages=1564–74|author=Abdelkader Guerroudj]


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