Clover Honey

Clover Honey

Clover Honey (aka Lady Clover Honey) is the en femme persona of Clover Kevin Welsh and a well-known New York City socialite, activist and television personality. Welsh was born in Totowa, New Jersey and as an adult, moved to New York City. He started dressing, expressing himself and performing as Honey and became a prominent public figure, performer and national broadcast journalist.

Honey is known for her role as a fun and glamorous news & entertainment correspondent on the national television program, "Under the Pink Carpet", which is a comedic, entertainment news magazine series with a gay theme. "Under the Pink Carpet" is taped in NYC and presented to PBS stations across the United State by WYBE-PBS-TV Philadelphia and distributed to cable stations by FSTV (Free Speech TV). In Canada and Australia, "Under the Pink Carpet" is seen on OUTtv cable network.

Whether she is reporting with her camera crew, performing or just partying, Honey is regularly seen at funky downtown haunts and chic ballrooms like the Waldorf and on stage at famous concert halls like Carnegie. Honey made history as the first transgender/drag diva maestro conductor at Carnegie Hall in 2005 as she conducted the NYC Gay Men's Chorus, the orchestra to a sold-out audience. She also is one of the directors of the annual "Fresh Fruit Festival," an avant-guard LGBT Theatre and Arts Festival.

Honey is also a political activist who worked in getting New York City to pass a law making discrimination based on gender-identity and expression illegal as well as getting New York State to pass legislation barring discrimination based on sexual orientation. She provides a transgender presence in the political scene by holding seats on the Board of Governors of prestigious Democratic Committees and is known at local, state and national government functions.

External links

* [ Lady Clover Honey's web site]

* [ Lady Clover Honey's myspace page]

* [ Lady Clover Honey's Blog site]

* [ Under the Pink Carpet's web site]

* [ Under the Pink Carpet's myspace page]

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