- Catullus 4
Catullus 4 is a poem by the ancient Roman writer
Catullus . The poem concerns the retirement of a well-traveled ship; Catullus draws a strong analogy with human aging, rendering the boat as a person that flies and speaks, with palms (the oars) and purpose.The poem is complex, with numerous geographic references and elaborate litotic
double negative s in a list-like manner. It borrows heavily fromAncient Greek vocabulary, and also uses Greek grammar in several sections. The meter of the poem is unusual —iambic trimeter , which was perhaps chosen to convey a sense of speed over the waves.Catullus 4 has also been interpreted as a
parody ofepic poetry , or the boat as a metaphor for theShip of State .Latin text and translation
# "Propontis" ("in front of
Pontus ") was the ancient name for theSea of Marmora , and "Ponticum sinum" ("Pontic sea") was the name for theBlack Sea .
# Mt. Cytorus was a mountain on the southern coast of the Black Sea, between the port cities ofAmastris andCytorus . Cytorus was famous as a source of boxwood.
# The "gemelle Castoris" ("twin of Castor") refers to Pollux, the other twin in theCastor and Pollux pair, who were also known as the Gemini ("twins"). The two twins were often referred to by only a single name, most commonly Castor, as though they were one, hence the "tibi" in line 26.Bibliography
External links
* [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text.jsp?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0003%3Apoem%3D4 Catullus 4: Text, translations and notes, at the Perseus Collection.]
* [http://www.negenborn.net/catullus/text2/e4.htm Catullus 4 in English and several other languages.]
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