Cao Xiu

Cao Xiu

Three Kingdoms infobox
Name=Cao Xiu

Title= Military general
Kingdom=Cao Wei
Pinyin=Cáo Xiū
WG=Ts'ao Hsiu
Zi=Wenlie (文烈)
Post=Marquis Zhuang (壯侯)

Cao Xiu (174 – 228) was a military general under the powerful warlord Cao Cao and succeeding rulers of the Kingdom of Wei during the late Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms Period in ancient China. Also a distant nephew of Cao Cao, Cao Xiu led various campaigns against Sun Quan's forces, most of which were met with success. He died in 228 from a skin infection on the back.


According to the "Records of Three Kingdoms", Cao Xiu lost his father before he turned twenty, when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out. Bringing along his old mother, Cao Xiu moved south across the Yangtze River away from the rebel-infested north.

When Cao Cao was raising an army to join the coalition against Dong Zhuo in 190, Cao Xiu heeded the call. Cao Cao was pleased to see his distant nephew, whom he described as the thousand-"li" horse of his family. He also had Cao Xiu reside with his future successor Cao Pi, and treated Cao Xiu like his own son. Henceforth Cao Xiu followed Cao Cao on many military campaigns.

Cao Xiu participated mainly in campaigns against Shu Han, notably against Wu Lan (吳蘭). He was a good advisor and later was made Commander of the Imperial Guard.

After Cao Cao's death in 220, Cao Xiu enjoyed a close relationship with Cao Pi, who had assumed the throne as the first emperor of the Kingdom of Wei. Cao Xiu was made General who Guards the South (鎮南將軍) and sent to the frontier to defend against Sun Quan's forces. Personally seeing Cao Xiu off, Cao Pi dismounted from his carriage and held his trusted general's hands, reluctant to part.

In 222, Cao Pi personally led an offensive against Sun Quan. Cao Xiu was appointed Great General who Conquers the East (征東大將軍). He supervised over twenty armies from various regions and defeated Sun Quan's force under Lü Fan at Dongpu (洞浦, in the vicinity of present day Wuhu, Anhui). Despite his victory over Lü, who was able to regroup his forces, Cao Xiu was defeated by Wu reinforcements sent by Xu Sheng and Quan Cong.

Following Cao Pi's death in 227, Cao Xiu continued to serve under the second Wei emperor Cao Rui. He was promoted to Great Defender-in-Chief (大司馬) but remained in command of the defense of Yangzhou (揚州).

In 228, Cao Rui launched yet another offensive against Sun Quan (The Battle of Shiting). Cao Xiu led a force towards Xunyang (尋陽). Believing the words of an enemy general, Zhou Fang, who pretended to surrender, he led his army deep into unfriendly territory and was routed. Submitting a memorial, Cao Xiu pled guilty for his misjudgement. Cao Rui, however, not only forgave him but treated him with even more respect thereafter.

Unfortunately, Cao Xiu died shortly after from skin infections on the back. He was given the posthumous title of Marquis Zhuang (壯侯), literally meaning the robust marquis.

The Cao clan

:"For a complete list, see Cao Cao."

Direct descendants

*Cao Zhao (曹肇)

Extended family

*Cao Cao (distant uncle)
**Cao Pi
***Cao Rui
****Cao Fang
*****Cao Mao
******Cao Huan
**Cao Zhang
**Cao Zhi
**Cao Xiong
**Cao Ang
**Cao Chong
*Cao Ren (distant uncle)
*Cao Chun (distant uncle)
*Cao Anmin (distant cousin)
*Cao Zhen (distant cousin)
**Cao Shuang

ee also

*Three Kingdoms
*Personages of the Three Kingdoms
*"Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms"
*"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"


*cite book|author=Chen Shou|title=San Guo Zhi|publisher=Yue Lu Shu She|year=2002|id=ISBN 7-80665-198-5

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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