- Ken Tillery
Ken Tillery of
Jasper, Texas , was murdered on January 19, 2002. On that night, of his murder, Tillery was outside of a suspected crackhouse, when he was approached by Darrell Gilbert, Blake Little, and Anthony Holmes, and offered a ride in their truck.cite news | author=Jo'El Steven Rouse | title=Sabine grand jury mum on hitchhiker case | publisher=The Beaumont Enterprise| page=A10 | date=2002-01-31 ] Tillery accepted, but an argument later developed over the gas money he agreed to pay. Tillery expected to pay only $5, but the men demanded $50. When the truck passed Tillery's home and arrived at a gas station, he jumped out and tried to flee, but was caught and beaten by the three men. Tillery's attackers ran him over, and as a result, his body was dragged under the truck for 20 to 30 feet before it separated from the vehicle.Holmes pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and received a 15-year term. Little was convicted of murder and sentenced to 70 years incarceration. Both are still serving their sentences. Gilbert was sentenced to a 20 years in prison; however, on February 14, 2005, justice came and Gilbert was murdered in the Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Stiles Unit by fellow inmate
Reagan Caldwell . [cite news | author= | title=Inmate Indicted in Prison Murder | publisher=KBTV 4 News | date=2006-04-23 ]ee also
Dragging death Notes
External links
* [http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=1337 Frontpage magazine article comparing the cases of Tillery and Byrd Jr]
* [http://capmag.com/article.asp?ID=1464 Politically Correct Murder and Media Bias] byLarry Elder , compares the Byrd case to the Tillery case and the media coverage they received.
* [http://www.ktre.com/Global/story.asp?S=630832 Investigation Into Death of a Sabine County Man Continues] Local ABC affiliate coverage.
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