

Trua is a male Orca who was born at SeaWorld Orlando in Florida on November 23, 2005. His parents are Takara and Taku*. Takara and Kohana had just been moved to SeaWorld Orlando when she and Taku* met and obviously became extremely close. At the time of Trua's birth, Kohana was by Takara's side and thus acted as the midwife. Trua currently lives at Sea World Orlando with eight other orcas: Katina(matriarch), Tilikum, Kalina, Kayla, Taima, Takara, Nalani, and Malia.


Trua, now almost three years old, is a very vibrant and playful whale. He is very interactive and has recently been learning water works. Trua is a very intelligent and eager whale, in which he learns quickly. Trua and Takara, his mother, perform almost every show together, since they are almost inseparable. Currently, Trua and Takara can be seen swimming with Tilikum, a bull who has sired numerous calves by different orcas.


*Grandmothers:Katina and Kasatka
*Grandfathers:Tilikum and Kotar*
*Sisters:Kohana (half) and Nalani (half)
*Brothers: None
*Aunts:Kalina, Katerina*, Unna, Kalia, and Nalani
*Uncles:Taku*, Ikaika, and Nakai
*Cousins:Keet, Keto, 1997 stillborn*, Tuar, Skyla, and 2006 stillborn*
*Breed:100% Icelandic(Asterisk indicates deceased relatives)


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