Oregon Shakespeare Festival production history

Oregon Shakespeare Festival production history

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) is a regional repertory theatre in Ashland, Oregon, United States. The festival annually produces eleven plays on three stages during a season that lasts from February to October. Four to five of the plays produced each year are by William Shakespeare.

The following is a chronological list of the productions that have been staged since its inception. [ [http://www.osfashland.org/about/archive/production_history.aspx OSF Production History - OSF Archive - About Us - Oregon Shakespeare Festival ] ]


*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare


*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare


*"King John" - by William Shakespeare
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare


*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"Richard II" - by William Shakespeare
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare


*"Antony and Cleopatra" - by William Shakespeare
*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry IV, Part 1" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare


*"Henry IV, Part 2" - by William Shakespeare
*"King Lear" - by William Shakespeare
*"Measure for Measure" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"Henry V" - by William Shakespeare
*"Julius Caesar" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Tempest" - by William Shakespeare


*"Coriolanus" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VI, Part 1" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare


*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VI, Part 2" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Winter's Tale" - by William Shakespeare


*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"All's Well That Ends Well" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VI, Part 3" - by William Shakespeare
*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"Timon of Athens" - by William Shakespeare


*"Cymbeline" - by William Shakespeare
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Richard III" - by William Shakespeare
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Titus Andronicus" - by William Shakespeare


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VIII" - by William Shakespeare
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"Pericles" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Two Gentlemen of Verona" - by William Shakespeare


*"King Lear" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"Troilus and Cressida" - by William Shakespeare


*"Antony and Cleopatra" - by William Shakespeare
*"King John" - by William Shakespeare
*"Measure for Measure" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Maske of the New World" - by Carl Ritchie
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"Julius Caesar" - by William Shakespeare
*"Richard II" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Tempest" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Duchess of Malfi" - by John Webster


*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"All's Well That Ends Well" - by William Shakespeare
*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry IV, Part One" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Alchemist" - by Ben Jonson


*"A Thieves Ballad" - by Carl Ritchie and Les Carlson
*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Coriolanus" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry IV, Part Two" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare


*"Henry V" - by William Shakespeare
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare


*"Henry VI, Part 1" - by William Shakespeare
*"King Lear" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Knight of the Burning Pestle" - by Francis Beaumont
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"Henry VI, Part 2" - by William Shakespeare
*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Winter's Tale" - by William Shakespeare
*"Volpone" - by Ben Jonson


*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VI, Part 3" - by William Shakespeare
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Beggar's Opera" - by John Gay
*"The Two Gentlemen of Verona" - by William Shakespeare


*"Antony and Cleopatra" - by William Shakespeare
*"Pericles" - by William Shakespeare
*"Richard III" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Maid of the Mill" - by Samuel Arnold
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Cymbeline" - by William Shakespeare
*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VIII" - by William Shakespeare
*"Lock Up Your Daughters" - by Henry Fielding


*"King John" - by William Shakespeare
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Tempest" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare
*"Virtue in Danger" - by Paul Dehn and James Bernard


*"Antigone" - by Jean Anouilh
*"Julius Caesar" - by William Shakespeare
*"Richard II" - by William Shakespeare
*"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" - by Tom Stoppard
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Fantasticks" - by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt
*"The Glass Menagerie" - by Tennessee Williams
*"The Imaginary Invalid" - by Molière
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"You Can't Take It with You" - by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart


*"A Man for All Seasons" - by Robert Bolt
*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"Arsenic and Old Lace" - by Joseph Kesselring
*"Henry IV, Part One" - by William Shakespeare
*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Glass Menagerie" - by Tennessee Williams
*"U.S.A." - by John Dos Passos and Paul Shyre
*"Under Milk Wood" - by Dylan Thomas


*"Henry IV, Part 2" - by William Shakespeare
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Our Town" - by Thornton Wilder
*"Room Service" - by John Murray and Allen Boretz
*"The Crucible" - by Arthur Miller
*"The Playboy of the Western World" - by J.M. Synge
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"Troilus and Cressida" - by William Shakespeare
*"Uncle Vanya" - by Anton Chekhov


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry V" - by William Shakespeare
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"Our Town" - by Thornton Wilder
*"The Alchemist" - by Ben Jonson
*"The Dance of Death" - by August Strindberg
*"The Importance of Being Earnest" - by Oscar Wilde
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare
*"Waiting for Godot" - by Samuel Beckett


*"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" - music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, book by Burt Shevelove and Larry Gelbart
*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Hedda Gabler" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"The Time of Your Life" - by William Saroyan
*"The Two Gentlemen of Verona" - by William Shakespeare
*"Titus Andronicus" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare
*"Waiting for Godot" - by Samuel Beckett


*"All's Well That Ends Well" - by William Shakespeare
*"Charley's Aunt" - by Brandon Thomas
*"Henry VI, Part 1" - by William Shakespeare
*"Long Day's Journey Into Night" - by Eugene O'Neill
*"Oedipus the King" - by Sophocles
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Petrified Forest" - by Robert E. Sherwood
*"The Winter's Tale" - by William Shakespeare


*"Brand" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"Henry VI, Part 2" - by William Shakespeare
*"King Lear" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Devil's Disciple" - by George Bernard Shaw
*"The Little Foxes" - by Lillian Hellman
*"The Tavern" - by George M. Cohan


*"A Moon for the Misbegotten" - by Eugene O'Neill
*"A Streetcar Named Desire" - by Tennessee Williams
*"A Taste of Honey" - by Shelagh Delaney
*"Angel Street" - by Patrick Hamilton
*"Antony and Cleopatra" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VI, Part 3" - by William Shakespeare
*"Measure for Measure" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Rivals" - by Richard Brinsley Sheridan


*"Miss Julie" - by August Strindberg
*"Mother Courage and Her Children" - by Bertolt Brecht
*"Night of the Tribades" - by Per Olov Enquist
*"Private Lives" - by Noël Coward
*"Richard III" - by William Shakespeare
*"Tartuffe" - by Molière
*"The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds" - by Paul Zindel
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Tempest" - by William Shakespeare
*"Timon of Athens" - by William Shakespeare


*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Born Yesterday" - by Garson Kanin
*"Indulgences in the Louisville Harem" - by John Orlock
*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"Miss Julie" - by August Strindberg
*"Root of the Mandrake" - by Niccolo Machiavelli
*"The Play's the Thing" - by Ferenc Molnar
*"The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus" - by Christopher Marlowe
*"The Wild Duck" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"Who's Happy Now?" - by Oliver Hailey


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Coriolanus" - by William Shakespeare
*"Juno and the Paycock" - by Sean O'Casey
*"Laundry and Bourbon" - by James McLure
*"Lone Star" - by James McLure
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Of Mice and Men" - by John Steinbeck
*"Richard II" - by William Shakespeare
*"Ring Round the Moon" - by Jean Anouilh
*"Seascape" - by Edward Albee
*"Sizwe Bansi Is Dead" - by Athol Fugard, John Kani and Winston Ntshona
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Philadelphia Story" - by Philip Barry


*"'Tis Pity She's a Whore" - by John Ford
*"Artichoke" - by Joanna Glass
*"Death of a Salesman" - by Arthur Miller
*"Henry IV, Part One" - by William Shakespeare
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Birthday Party" - by Harold Pinter
*"The Island" - by Athol Fugard, John Kani and Winston Ntshona
*"The Two Gentlemen of Verona" - by William Shakespeare
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare
*"Wild Oats" - by John O'Keeffe


*"Blithe Spirit" - by Noël Coward
*"Henry V" - by William Shakespeare
*"Hold Me!" - by Jules Feiffer
*"Inherit the Wind" - by Robert E. Lee and Jerome Lawrence
*"Julius Caesar" - by William Shakespeare
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Spokesong" - by Stewart Parker
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Father" - by August Strindberg
*"The Matchmaker" - by Thornton Wilder
*"Wings" - by Arthur Kopit


*"Ah, Wilderness!" - by Eugene O'Neill
*"Cymbeline" - by William Shakespeare
*"Don Juan in Hell" - by George Bernard Shaw
*"Dracula" - by Richard Sharp
*"Dreamhouse" - by Stuart Duckworth
*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Man and Superman" - by George Bernard Shaw
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"Richard III" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Entertainer" - by John Osborne
*"The Matchmaker" - by Thornton Wilder
*"What the Butler Saw" - by Joe Orton


*"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" - by Tennessee Williams
*"Dracula" - by Richard Sharp
*"Hay Fever" - by Noël Coward
*"Henry VIII" - by William Shakespeare
*"London Assurance" - by Dion Boucicault
*"Seascape with Sharks and Dancer" - by Don Nigro
*"The Revenger's Tragedy" - by Cyril Tourneur
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Winter's Tale" - by William Shakespeare
*"Translations" - by Brian Friel
*"Troilus and Cressida" - by William Shakespeare


*"All's Well That Ends Well" - by William Shakespeare
*"An Enemy of the People" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"Crimes of the Heart" - by Beth Henley
*"King John" - by William Shakespeare
*"King Lear" - by William Shakespeare
*"Light Up the Sky" - by Moss Hart
*"Lizzie Borden in the Late Afternoon" - by Cather MacCallum
*"Strange Snow" - by Stephen Metcalfe
*"The Majestic Kid" - by Mark Medoff
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"Trelawny of the 'Wells'" - by Arthur Wing Pinero


*"An Enemy of the People" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Broadway" - by George Abbott and Philip Dunning
*"Cold Storage" - by Ronald Ribman
*"Measure for Measure" - by William Shakespeare
*"On the Verge" - by Eric Overmyer
*"Sea Marks" - by Gardner McKay
*"Strange Snow" - by Stephen Metcalfe
*"The Tempest" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Threepenny Opera" - by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill
*"Three Sisters" - by Anton Chekhov
*"Titus Andronicus" - by William Shakespeare


*"Master Harold ...and the boys" - by Athol Fugard
*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"Ballerina" - by Arne Skouen
*"Curse of the Starving Class" - by Sam Shepard
*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"Richard II" - by William Shakespeare
*"She Stoops to Conquer" - by Oliver Goldsmith
*"Taking Steps" - by Alan Ayckbourn
*"The Hostage" - by Brendan Behan
*"The Member of the Wedding" - by Carson McCullers
*"The Shoemaker's Holiday" - by Thomas Dekker


*"A Penny for a Song" - by John Whiting
*"Boy Meets Girl" - by Samuel and Bella Spewack
*"Enrico IV (The Emperor)" - by Luigi Pirandello
*"Ghosts" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"Henry IV, Part One" - by William Shakespeare
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Orphans" - by Lyle Kessler
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Iceman Cometh" - by Eugene O'Neill
*"The Marriage of Bette and Boo" - by Christopher Durang
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"All My Sons" - by Arthur Miller
*"And a Nightingale Sang ..." - by C.P. Taylor
*"Breaking the Silence" - by Stephen Poliakoff
*"Cyrano de Bergerac" - by Edmond Rostand
*"Henry IV, Part 2" - by William Shakespeare
*"Hunting Cockroaches" - by Januscz Glowacki
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"Not About Heroes" - by Stephen MacDonald
*"Pericles Prince of Tyre" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Road to Mecca" - by Athol Fugard
*"The Two Gentlemen of Verona" - by William Shakespeare


*"Aristocrats" - by Brian Friel
*"At Long Last Leo" - by Mark Stein
*"God's Country" - by Steven Dietz
*"Henry V" - by William Shakespeare
*"Peer Gynt" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare
*"The House of Blue Leaves" - by John Guare
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Second Man" - by S. N. Behrman
*"The Voice of the Prairie" - by John Olive
*"The Winter's Tale" - by William Shakespeare


*"Julius Caesar" - by William Shakespeare
*"Major Barbara" - by George Bernard Shaw
*"Other People's Money" - by Jerry Sterner
*"Our Town" - by Thornton Wilder
*"Some Americans Abroad" - by Richard Nelson
*"Henry VI, Part 1" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"Two Rooms" - by Lee Blessing
*"Woman in Mind" - by Alan Ayckbourn


*"All's Well That Ends Well" - by William Shakespeare
*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Heathen Valley" - by Romulus Linney
*"La Bête" - by David Hirson
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"Restoration" - by Edward Bond
*"Henry VI, Part 3" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Firebugs" - by Max Frisch
*"The Ladies of the Camellias" - by Lillian Garrett-Groag
*"The Playboy of the Western World" - by J.M. Synge
*"Toys in the Attic" - by Lillian Hellman


*"A Flea in Her Ear" - by Georges Feydeau
*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"Antony and Cleopatra" - by William Shakespeare
*"Cymbeline" - by William Shakespeare
*"Joe Turner's Come and Gone" - by August Wilson
*"Light In the Village" - by John Clifford
*"Lips Together, Teeth Apart" - by Terrence McNally
*"Mad Forest" - by Caryl Churchill
*"Richard III" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Baltimore Waltz" - by Paula Vogel
*"The Illusion" - by Pierre Corneille
*"The White Devil" - by John Webster


*"Fifth of July" - by Lanford Wilson
*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"Oleanna" - by David Mamet
*"Tales of the Lost Formicans" - by Constance Congdon
*"The Colored Museum" - by George C. Wolfe
*"The Pool of Bethesda" - by Allan Cubitt
*"The Rehearsal" - by Jean Anouilh
*"The Tempest" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Two Noble Kinsmen" - by William Shakespeare
*"You Can't Take It with You" - by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman


*"Blood Wedding" - by Federico García Lorca
*"Emma's Child" - by Kristine Thatcher
*"From the Mississippi Delta" - by Endesha Ida Mae Holland
*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"Pravda" - by David Hare, Howard Brenton
*"Richard II" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Cure at Troy" - by Seamus Heaney
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Skin of Our Teeth" - by Thornton Wilder
*"This Day and Age" - by Nagle Jackson
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"" - by Jeffrey Hatcher and Jon Robin Baitz
*"Arcadia" - by Tom Stoppard
*"Awake and Sing!" - by Clifford Odets
*"Cabaret Verboten" - by Jeremy Lawrence
*"Coriolanus" - by William Shakespeare
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Molière Plays Paris" - by Nagle Jackson
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Strindberg in Hollywood" - by Drury Pifer
*"The Darker Face of the Earth" - by Rita Dove
*"The Winter's Tale" - by William Shakespeare
*"Three Hotels" - by Jon Robin Baitz
*"Three Viewings" - by Jeffrey Hatcher


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Blues for an Alabama Sky" - by Pearl Cleage
*"Death of a Salesman" - by Arthur Miller
*"King Lear" - by William Shakespeare
*"Nora" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"Pentecost" - by David Edgar
*"Rough Crossing" - by Tom Stoppard
*"The Magic Fire" - by Lillian Garrett-Groag
*"The Turn of the Screw" - composed by Benjamin Britten, libretto by Myfanwy Piper
*"The Two Gentlemen of Verona" - by William Shakespeare
*"Timon of Athens" - by William Shakespeare


*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"A Touch of the Poet" - by Eugene O'Neill
*"Cymbeline" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry IV, Part One" - by William Shakespeare
*"Les Blancs" - by Lorraine Hansberry
*"Measure for Measure" - by William Shakespeare
*"Sailing to Byzantium" - by Sandra Deer
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare
*"The School for Scandal" - by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
*"Uncle Vanya" - by Anton Chekhov
*"Vilna's Got a Golem" - by Ernest Joselovitz


*"Chicago" - by Maurine Watkins
*"El Paso Blue" - by Octavio Solis
*"Henry IV, Part 2" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"Pericles" - by William Shakespeare
*"Rosmersholm" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"Seven Guitars" - by August Wilson
*"The Good Person of Szechuan" - by Bertolt Brecht
*"The Three Musketeers" - by Alexandre Dumas
*"Tongue of a Bird" - by Ellen McLaughlin


*"Crumbs from the Table of Joy" - by Lynn Nottage
*"Force of Nature" - by Steven Dietz
*"Hamlet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry V" - by William Shakespeare
*"Stop Kiss" - by Diana Son
*"The Man Who Came to Dinner" - by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman
*"The Night of the Iguana" - by Tennessee Williams
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Trojan Women" - by Euripides
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare
*"Wit" - by Margaret Edson


*"Enter the Guardsman" - by Scott Wentworth
*"Fuddy Meers" - by David Lindsay-Abaire
*"Life Is a Dream" - by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
*"Oo-Bla-Dee" - by Regina Taylor
*"The Merchant of Venice" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Tempest" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Trip to Bountiful" - by Horton Foote
*"Three Sisters" - by Anton Chekhov
*"Troilus and Cressida" - by William Shakespeare
*"Two Sisters and a Piano" - by Nilo Cruz


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Handler" - by Robert Schenkkan
*"Idiot's Delight" - by Robert E. Sherwood
*"Julius Caesar" - by William Shakespeare
*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"Noises Off" - by Michael Frayn
*"Playboy of the West Indies" - by Mustapha Matura
*"Saturday, Sunday, Monday" - by Eduardo De Filippo
*"The Winter's Tale" - by William Shakespeare
*"Titus Andronicus" - by William Shakespeare
*"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" - by Edward Albee


*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"Antony and Cleopatra" - by William Shakespeare
*"Daughters of the Revolution Continental Divide" - by David Edgar
*"Hedda Gabler" - by Henrik Ibsen
*"Lorca in a Green Dress" - by Nilo Cruz
*"Mothers Against Continental Divide" - by David Edgar
*"Present Laughter" - by Noël Coward
*"Richard II" - by William Shakespeare
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Piano Lesson" - by August Wilson
*"Wild Oats" - by John O'Keeffe


*"A Raisin in the Sun" - by Lorraine Hansberry
*"Henry VI, Part 1" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VI, Part 2" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VI, Part 3" - by William Shakespeare
*"Humble Boy" - by Charlotte Jones
*"King Lear" - by William Shakespeare
*"Much Ado about Nothing" - by William Shakespeare
*"Oedipus Complex" - by Frank Galati
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Royal Family" - by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman
*"The Visit" - by Friedrich Dürrenmatt
*"Topdog/Underdog" - by Suzan-Lori Parks


*"By the Waters of Babylon" - by Robert Schenkkan
*"Gibraltar" - by Octavio Solis
*"Love's Labour's Lost" - by William Shakespeare
*"Ma Rainey's Black Bottom" - by August Wilson
*"Napoli Milionaria!" - by Eduardo De Filippo
*"Richard III" - by William Shakespeare
*"Room Service" - by Allen Boretz and John Murray
*"The Belle's Stratagem" - by Hannah Cowley
*"The Philanderer" - by George Bernard Shaw
*"The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus" - by Christopher Marlowe
*"Twelfth Night" - by William Shakespeare


*"Bus Stop" - by William Inge
*"Cyrano de Bergerac" - by Edmond Rostand
*"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" - by David Edgar, based on the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson
*"Intimate Apparel" - by Lynn Nottage
*"King John" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Diary of Anne Frank" - by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett
*"The Importance of Being Earnest" - by Oscar Wilde
*"The Merry Wives of Windsor" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Two Gentlemen of Verona" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Winter's Tale" - by William Shakespeare
*"Up" - by Bridget Carpenter


*"As You Like It" - by William Shakespeare
*"Distracted" - by Lisa Loomer
*"Gem of the Ocean" - by August Wilson
*"On the Razzle" - by Tom Stoppard
*"Rabbit Hole" - by David Lindsay-Abaire
*"Romeo and Juliet" - by William Shakespeare
*"Tartuffe" - by Molière
*"The Cherry Orchard" - by Anton Chekhov
*"The Taming of the Shrew" - by William Shakespeare
*"The Tempest" - by William Shakespeare
*"Tracy's Tiger" - by Linda Alper


*"A Midsummer Night's Dream" - by William Shakespeare
*"Fences" - by August Wilson
*"The Clay Cart" - by Sudraka
*"The Further Adventures of Hedda Gabler" - by Jeff Whitty
*"A View from the Bridge" - by Arthur Miller
*"Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter" - by Julie Marie Myatt
*"Coriolanus" - by William Shakespeare
*"Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner" - by Luis Alfaro
*"Othello" - by William Shakespeare
*"Our Town" - by Thornton Wilder
*"The Comedy of Errors" - by William Shakespeare


*"Macbeth" - by William Shakespeare
*"Death and the King's Horseman" - by Wole Soyinka
*"The Music Man" - by Meredith Willson and Franklin Lacey
*"Equivocation" - by Bill Cain
*"Paradise Lost" - by Clifford Odets
*"Dead Man's Cell Phone" - by Sarah Ruhl
*"Servant of Two Masters" - by Carlo Goldoni
*"All's Well That Ends Well" - by William Shakespeare
*"Henry VIII" - by William Shakespeare
*"Don Quixote" - by Miguel de Cervantes
*"Much Ado About Nothing" - by William Shakespeare


External links

* [http://www.osfashland.org/index.aspx Oregon Shakespeare Festival website]

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  • Portland Center Stage — Infobox Organization name = Portland Center Stage size = 200px caption = Gerding Theater at the Portland Armory abbreviation = PCS formation = November 12, 1988 type = Theatre company purpose = Theatrical productions in Portland, Oregon location …   Wikipedia

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