Giuseppe Cesare Abba

Giuseppe Cesare Abba

Giuseppe Cesare Abba (October 6, 1838November 6, 1910), was an Italian patriot and writer. He was born in Cairo Montenotte (Liguria), and died in Brescia. As a participant on the expedition of i Mille he fought next to Giuseppe Garibaldi.


His literary work is limited to revolutionary memories; after retiring to private life, first at Pisa, then in his native town, he attempted to write a romantic poem in five canti by the title "Arrigo". A fervent follower of Manzoni, he then tried to write a historical novel (1875) with "Le rive della Bormida nel 1874" (The Banks of the Bormida in 1874), with the notes taken in 1860, which he did not publish. In 1880 it became "Noterelle di uno dei Mille edite dopo ventanni" (Notes by one of i Mille twenty years later), assuming its final title, "Da Quarto al Volturno: Noterelle duno dei Mille" (From Quarto to Volturno: Notes by one of i Mille), only in 1891.

This work was his magnum opus, and also the best work that has ever been written on the experiences of i Mille in Sicily. The book was released thanks to Giosuè Carducci, to whom Abba had sent it on the urging of an old revolutionary friend, Sclavo. Carducci was at that time considering writing a work on the life of Garibaldi, and encouraged the survivors of the campaign to give him historical testimonies. When he had read the "Noterelle", he appreciated it so much that gave it to the editor Zanichelli to be published, telling the author that now he might never write the biography of the hero.

Abba quickly acquired fame, so much so that he became first teacher at the secondary school at Faenza, then principal of the technological institute of Brescia, where he worked until his death.

Even though he produced other works based on the expedition, none became as celebrated as the "Noterelle". He also wrote poetry and short stories, but without much success.


* "Le rive della Bormida nel 1874" (1875)
* "Noterelle di uno dei Mille edite dopo ventanni" (1880)
* "Da Quarto al Volturno. Noterelle duno dei Mille" (1880-1891)
* "Storia dei Mille" ("Story of the Mille", 1904)
* "Vita di Nino Bixio" ("The Life of Nino Bixio", 1905)
* "Cose garibaldine" ("Garibaldian Things")
* "Romagna"
* "Cose vedute" ("Things I Have Seen")

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