Peter Enns

Peter Enns

Infobox Calvinist Theologian
region = United States
era = Contemporary
color = #B0C4DE

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name = Peter Enns
birth = January 02, 1961
death =
school_tradition = Calvinist, Reformed
main_interests = Old testament, Wisdom literature, Hermeneutics
influences =
influenced =
notable_ideas =

Peter Eric Enns (b. January 2, 1961) is a Reformed Evangelical and biblical scholar.


Enns is a former professor of Old Testament and hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He holds a B.A. in behavioral science from Messiah College (1982), an M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary (1989), and an M.A. (1993) and Ph.D. (1994) from Harvard University. Enns is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Institute for Biblical Research, and the Evangelical Theological Society. He is a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.

Enns's academic interests include Old Testament theology, Biblical Theology, Wisdom Literature (especially Ecclesiastes), the New Testament use of the Old Testament, Second Temple literature, and the general issue of how the historical context of the Bible affects how we understand the nature of Scripture within Reformed and Evangelical commitments. [Peter Enns, " [ About Peter Enns] ", A Time to Tear Down - A Time to Build Up.] He has written many articles, essays, dictionary and encyclopedia entries, and book reviews on varied topics surrounding the Old Testament and its interpretation. He has also taught courses at Princeton Theological Seminary, Harvard University, and Biblical Theological Seminary.


Enns's book, "Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament", has proved controversial. WTS President Peter Lillback expressed that it "has caught the attention of the world so that we have scholars that love this book, and scholars who have criticized it very deeply…. We have students who have read it say it has liberated them. We have other students that say it's crushing their faith and removing them from their hope. We have churches that are considering it, and two Presbyteries have said they will not send students to study under Professor Enns here."cite journal |url= |journal=Christianity Today |title=Westminster Theological Suspension |author=Sarah Pulliam |date=4/01/2008 |accessdate=2008-05-07]

On March 26, 2008, the board of trustees at Westminster Theological Seminary voted 189 to suspend Enns from his position effective May 23, 2008.cite web |url= |publisher=Westminster Theological Seminary |title=A Message from the Board of Trustees |date=March 29, 2008 |accessdate=2008-05-07] Though the faculty voted 128 that the work falls within the parameters of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the chairman of the board said that they felt the book was incompatible with the Confession. As of August 1, 2008, Enns and the seminary have agreed to part ways. [cite web |url= |title=Joint Statement by WTS and Professor Enns |date=July 23, 2008 |accessdate=2008-07-23]

elected works


* "Baker Bible Dictionary" (Co-editor with Tremper Longman III and Mark Strauss; Grand Rapids: Baker, forthcoming 2008/9)
* "Three Views on the New Testaments Use of the Old Testament" (Co-written with Walter Kaiser and Darrell Bock; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, forthcoming 2008) ISBN 9780310273332
* "Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry, and Writings" (Co-editor with Tremper Longman III; Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2008) ISBN 9780830817832
* "Ecclesiastes" (Two Horizons Commentary Series; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, forthcoming 2008)
* "Invitation to Genesis" (Disciple Bible Study; Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2006) ISBN 9780687494927
* "Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament" (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005) ISBN 9780801027307
* "Exodus" (NIV Application Commentary; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000) ISBN 9780340756607
* "Exodus Retold: Ancient Exegesis of the Departure from Egypt in Wis 10:15-21 and 19:1-9" (Harvard Semitic Museum Monographs 57; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997) ISBN 9780788504037
* "Poetry and Wisdom" (IBR Bibliographies. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1997) ISBN 9780801021619

Articles and essays

*"Pseudo-Solomon and His Scripture: Biblical Interpretation in the Wisdom of Solomon," "CBIEJ", Ed. M. Henze, Eerdmans, forthcoming, 2008.
*" [ Preliminary Observations on an Incarnational Model of Scripture: Its Viability and Usefulness] ," "Calvin Theological Journal", forthcoming fall 2007.
*" [ Exodus, the Problem of Historiography, and Some Theological Reflections] ," "Act 3 Review" 15/4 (2007): forthcoming.
*"Response to Professor Greg Beale," "Themelios" 32/3 (2007): 5-13.
*" [ Bible in Context: The Continuing Vitality of Reformed Biblical Scholarship] ," "Westminster Theological Journal" 68 (2006): 203-18.
*" [ Response to G. K. Beales Review of Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament] ," "Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society" 49/2 (2006): 313-26.
*" [ Loving Christ While I Cheer for the Yankees] ," "byFaith" (January/February 2006): 21-23.
*" [ Some Thoughts on Theological Exegesis of the Old Testament: Toward a Viable Model of Biblical Coherence and Relevance] ," "Reformation and Revival Journal" 14/4 (2005): 81-104.
*"col haaram" and the Evaluation of Qohelets Wisdom in Qoh 12:13, or TheA is so, and Whats More, BTheology of Ecclesiastes," "The Idea of Biblical Interpretation" (James Kugel FS; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2003), 125-37.
*" [ Apostolic Hermeneutics and an Evangelical Doctrine of Scripture: Moving beyond the Modernist Impasse] ," "Westminster Theological Journal" 65 (2003): 263-87.
*"William Henry Green and the Authorship of the Pentateuch: Some Historical Considerations," "Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society" 45/3 (September 2002): 385-403.
*" [ Matthew and Hosea: A Response to John Sailhamer] ," "Westminster Theological Journal" 63 (2001): 97-105.
*" [ Wisdom of Solomon and Biblical Interpretation in the Second Temple Period] ," "The Way of Wisdom" (B. K. Waltke Festschrift), eds. J. I. Packer and S. Soderlund, Zondervan, 2000, 212-25.
*"Expansions of Scripture," "Justification and Variegated Nomism", ed. D. A. Carson. J. C. B. Mohr/Baker, 2000, 73-98.
*" [ Yankees and Westminster: Personal Reflections on Tradition] ," unpublished paper (1998).
*" [ TheMoveable Wellin 1 Cor 10:4: An Extra-Biblical Tradition in an Apostolic Text.] " "Bulletin for Biblical Research" 6 (1996): 23-38.
*"A Retelling of the Song at the Sea in Wis 10,20-21." Biblica 76 (1995): 1-24. Republished in "The Function of Scripture in Early Jewish and Christian Tradition", eds. C. A. Evans and J. A. Sanders, 142-65. JSNTSup 154/SSEJC 6. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.
*" [ Creation and Re-creation: Psalm 95 and its Interpretation in Hebrews 3:7-4:13] ," "Westminster Theological Journal" 55 (1993): 255-80. (Partially republished asThe Interpretation of Psalm 95 in Hebrews 3.1-4.13.” "Early Christian Interpretation of the Scriptures of Israel: Investigations and Proposals", eds. C. A. Evans and J. A. Sanders, 352-63. JSNTSup 148/SSEJC 5. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.)


External links

* [ a time to tear down : A Time to Build Up] - Peter Enns' official website
* [ Peter E. Enns: Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Hermeneutics] WTS faculty profile
* [ Peter Enns: "Inspiration and Incarnation"] , updated listing of links related to the Enns controversy by Art Boulet
* [ Bible Professor Suspended Over Teaching] , article in (July 10, 2008) - online version of the Philadelphia "Inquirer" newspaper

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