The PCI-SIG or Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group is an electronics industry consortium responsible for specifying the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), PCI-X, and PCI Express (PCIe) computer buses.

The PCI Special Interest Group was formed in 1992, and the organization became a nonprofit corporation, officially named “PCI-SIG” in the year 2000.

The PCI-SIG has more than 800 member companies that develop differentiated, interoperable products based on its specifications. It has produced the PCI, PCI-X and PCI Express specifications. It is a non-profit corporation.

The Board of Directors of the PCI-SIG has representatives from: Intel, Microsoft, IBM, AMD, Sun Micro, HP, Broadcom, Agilent Technologies, and NVIDIA. The Chairman and President of the PCI-SIG is Al Yanes, a Distinguished Engineer from IBM. The Executive director of the PCI-SIG is Reen Presnell, Vice President and General Manager of VTM, serving in the Initiatives Management and Logistics Group.

PCI-SIG specifications are available to members of the organization as free downloads.[1] Non-members can purchase hard-copy specifications for between US$1000 and $3500, or a CD with all specifications in soft-copy for US$5000.[2]


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