IUP Portfolio Functional Specifications

IUP Portfolio Functional Specifications

= Application summary =

IUP Portfolio is an education platform for Swedish schools, focused around the students individual development plan ("Individuell utvecklingsplan", IUP) and learning portfolio.


IUP Portfolio is published under the "GNU General Public License V2".


IUP Portfolio is a web application developed in PHP5 / MySQL5, and can be hosted on any operating system capable of running a web server, a PHP5 interpreter and a MySQL5 database system.

Typical running environments are:
*LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP).
*FAMP (FreeBSD + Apache + MySQL + PHP).

= Application definition =

What is IUP Portfolio ?

In 2006, the Swedish government created a new law, saying that every Swedish pupil in K-12 schools must have an "Individual development plan".This plan contains the goals that will be created in connection with parent/teacher/pupil talks that are held two times a year.

IUP Portfolio is meant to serve as an online plan repository so that all parties are able to access the document at any time and follow up on the goals that were created.

What is IUP Portfolio supposed to do ?

IUP Portfolio has 4 different user roles, meaning, different kind of users which are able to do different things.Here are the functions allowed, per user role :

Pupil / Parent

* Front-end authentication with a login / logout box.
* Plan "One year" view.
* Plan "One semester" view, with the possibility to validate and comment the data entered by the teacher.
* Portfolio view, with access to the three subdivisions (Documents / Pictures / Media).
* Portfolio Document view.


* Front-end authentification with a login / logout box.
* Plan summary view for all of his students, for a year.
* Plan "One year" view for a single student.
* Plan "One semester" view, where the teacher can edit text fields with what was agreed upon during IRL talks with the pupil.

School administrator

* Front-end authentification as any of his school pupils / teachers.
* Back-end authentification with a login / logout box.
* "User" Management.
** "Plan" Management.
** "Portfolio" Management.
*** "Document" Management.
*** "Picture" Management.
*** "Media" Management.


* Front-end authentification as any Pupil/Parent or Teacher.
* Back-end authentification with a login / logout box, or as any school administrator.
* "User" Management.
** "Plan" Management.
** "Portfolio" Management.
*** "Document" Management.
*** "Picture" Management.
*** "Media" Management.
* "Admin" Management.
* "School" Management.

Who is going to be using IUP Portfolio ?

Swedish school pupils, parents and teachers.

= Application models =

Designer's model


* "User" secured login.
* "User" logout.


* "User" management.
** "User" administration (Creation / Modification / Deletion). An user creation / deletion automatically creates / deletes a plan.

* "Plan" management.
** "Plan" administration (Modification).

* "School" management.
** "School" administration (Creation / Modification / Deletion).


* "User" : An user is an entity that can authenticates itself on the IUP Portfolio system, and can interact with the website.
* "Plan" : A plan is a static entity linked to a "Pupil-Parent" "User", and accessible to all user roles.
* "School" : A school is a static entity linked to a "Teacher" "User", used as a safeguard during the registration of new users.

Programmer's model


* "User"
** First name.
** Last name.
** Sex.
** Age.
** Address.
** Role.
** "School".
** "Plan".

* "Plan"

* "School"
** Address.

= Information flow =

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  • IUP Portfolio — is an education platform for Swedish schools, focused around the students individual development plan ( Individuell utvecklingsplan , IUP) and learning portfolio. HistoryIn 2006 Swedish government created a new law. It said that every pupil in K… …   Wikipedia

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