Camila Grey

Camila Grey

Camila Grey (Camila Cristinna Gutierrez, born January 6, 1979) is an Los Angeles based musician currently performing in the duo Uh Huh Her. Grey was formerly the bassist and keyboardist for the band Mellowdrone. She has also worked with such artists as Dr. Dre, Busta Rhymes, Tricky, Melissa Auf der Maur, and Kelly Osbourne. [ [ UH HUH HER - The Band ] ]


Grey began playing piano as a child, and attended the Suzuki music school. She later attended college at Berklee College of Music. This is presumably where she met Mellowdrone bandmate Jonathan Bates, who attended the school for awhile as well. [ [ Mellowdrone – Listen free at ] ] After graduating, Grey moved to L.A. and began working as a session singer vocalist. Her work includes the soundtracks to "Something's Gotta Give", "", "Catwoman", and the television show "Nip/Tuck". [ [ on ] ]

Uh Huh Her

She is a native of Austin Texas, and after meeting at a Mellowdrone show, Grey began working with Leisha Hailey (actress on "The L Word" and former member of '90s group The Murmurs) on songs which would be released in 2007 on the EP "I See Red". [ [ interview] ] The album was recorded at Grey's L.A. home, and the vocals were reportedly recorded inside of Grey's bathroom. [ [ YouTube - The Interface - Uh Huh Her (part 3 of 3) ] ]


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