Uniformly hyperfinite algebra

Uniformly hyperfinite algebra

In operator algebras, a uniformly hyperfinite, or UHF, algebra is one that is the closure, in the appropriate topology, of an increasing union of finite dimensional full matrix algebras.


A UHF C*-algebra is the direct limit of an inductive system {"An", "φn"} where each "An" is a finite dimensional full matrix algebra and each "φn" : "An" → "A""n"+1 is a unital embedding. Suppressing the connecting maps, one can write

:A = overline {cup_n A_n}.


:A_n simeq M_{k_n} (mathbb C),

then "r kn" = "kn" + 1 for some integer "r" and

:phi_n (a) = a otimes I_r,

where "Ir" is the identity in the "r" × "r" matrices. The sequence ..."kn"|"kn" + 1|"kn" + 2... determines a formal product

:delta(A) = prod_p p^{t_p}

where each "p" is prime and "tp" = sup {"m"|"pm" divides "kn " for some "n"}, possibly zero or infinite. The formal product "δ"("A") is said to be the supernatural number corresponding to "A". Glimm showed that the supernatural number is a complete invariant of UHF C*-algebras. In particular, there are uncountably many UHF C*-algebras.

If "δ"("A") is finite, then "A" is the full matrix algebra "M""δ"("A"). A UHF algebra is said to be of "infinite type" if each "tp" in "δ"("A") is 0 or ∞.

In the language of K-theory, each supernatural number

:delta(A) = prod_p p^{t_p}

specifies an additive subgroup of R that is the rational numbers of the type "n"/"m" where "m" formally divides "δ"("A"). This group is called the "K"0 group of "A".

An example

One example of a UHF C*-algebra is the CAR algebra. It is defined as follows: let "H" be a separable complex Hilbert space "H" with orthonormal basis "fn" and "L"("H") the bounded operators on "H", consider a linear map

:alpha : H ightarrow L(H)

with the property that

:{ alpha(f_n), alpha(f_m) } = 0 quad mbox{and} quad alpha(f_n)^*alpha(f_m) + alpha(f_m)alpha(f_n)^* = langle f_m, f_n angle I.

The CAR algebra is the C*-algebra generated by

:{ alpha(f_n) };.

The embedding

:C^*(alpha(f_1), cdots, alpha(f_n)) hookrightarrow C^*(alpha(f_1), cdots, alpha(f_{n+1}))

can be identified with the multiplicity 2 embedding

:M_{2^n} hookrightarrow M_{2^{n+1.

Therefore the CAR algebra has supernatural number 2. This identification also yields that its "K"0 group is the dyadic rationals.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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