- Établissements Jean-Pierre Moueix
Établissements Jean-Pierre Moueix, or JP Moueix, is a
Bordeaux "négociant " house founded by Jean-Pierre Moueix in 1937, situated on the Quai du Priourat inLibourne , in theBordeaux wine region ofFrance .cite web|last=Maisons Marques & Domaines Usa Inc. |title= Ets. Jean-Pierre Moueix|url=http://www.mmdusa.net/BrandKit.php?Brand=15 ] While dealing in wholesale distribution of numerous Right Bank wines, the company also acts as a bulk grape merchant, operates exclusive distribution for select "châteaux", and manages its own portfolio ofPomerol andSaint-Émilion estates. The company has 120 employees.Since Jean-Pierre Moueix began investing in properties of the region in the early 1950s, the company grew to become highly influential in the French wine market, and was instrumental in the rise of the reputation of the Pomerol region.Cite web|last= Butchart|first= Josie, "Decanter.com" |title= Jean-Pierre Moueix dies |url= http://www.decanter.com/news/46140.html |date= 1 April 2003 ] cite web|last= "Telegraph.co.uk"| title= Jean-Pierre Moueix | url= http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/04/11/db1103.xml| date= April 10, 2003] The early purchase of the Saint-Émilion estate
Château Magdelaine in 1952 was followed by the acquisitions of Pomerol châteaux Trotanoy, Lagrange and La Fleur-Pétrus in 1953, while the gradual acquisition of Pétrus was begun in 1961, followed by the assuming the farming ofChâteau Latour à Pomerol in 1962. In 1930 his father, Jean Moueix, had already bought the Saint-Émilion property,Château Fonroque . Later additions to the Moueix portfolio include the Napa valley propertyDominus Estate , the Pomerol châteaux Hosanna and Providence, and complete ownership of the Saint-Émilion estateChâteau Belair .cite web|last= Kevany |first= Sophie, "Decanter.com"|title= Moueix buys Belair |url= http://www.decanter.com/news/258558.html |date=June 13, 2008]Jean-Pierre Moueix retired in 1978 and died in 2003.cite web|last =Murphy |first =Linda "San Francisco Chronicle" |title = MoueiX Files |url= http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/02/03/WIG0MB2BFC1.DTL |date =February 3, 2005 ] In 1991 his son
Christian Moueix became president of JP Moueix, while the grandson Edouard Moueix is Director of Sales since 2003.Art collection
Profiled art collectors, the Moueix family sold the painting "Triptych 1976" by Francis Bacon in April, 2008, originally purchased by Jean-Pierre Moueix in 1977. In an auction at Sotheby's New York the work was purchased for US$86.3 million by the Russian billionaire
Roman Abramovich , recording the highest price paid for a postwar work of art.cite web|last = "Wine Spectator Online": Unfiltered |title = Château Pétrus Makes a Record-Breaking Sale—of Art |url= http://www.winespectator.com/Wine/Features/0,1197,4396,00.html |date =May 21, 2008 ] cite web|last= Burns |first= Ciar, "The Independent" |title= Roman's empire: where Abramovich spends his billions |url= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/romans-empire-where-abramovich-spends-his-billions-830582.html |date= May 19, 2008 ]References
External links
* [http://www.moueix.com/ Jean-Pierre Moueix official site] fr_icon en_icon
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