subject heading — noun • • • Main Entry: ↑subject … Useful english dictionary
subject heading — noun The name of a category in which a bibliographical record is included … Wiktionary
Subject — may refer to: *An area of interest, also called a topic meaning , thing you are talking or discussing about . It can also be termed as the area of discussion . See Lists of topics and Lists of basic topics. **An area of knowledge; **The focus of… … Wikipedia
subject — n., adj., adv., & v. n. 1 a a matter, theme, etc. to be discussed, described, represented, dealt with, etc. b (foll. by for) a person, circumstance, etc., giving rise to specified feeling, action, etc. (a subject for congratulation). 2 a… … Useful english dictionary
heading — UK US /ˈhedɪŋ/ noun [C] ► a title printed at the top of a page or section of a document: »Every day the Daily Telegraph lists eligible unit trusts under the heading Authorised unit trust prices . ► the subject of something being discussed,… … Financial and business terms
heading — [hed′iŋ] n. 1. something forming or used to form the head, top, edge, or front; specif., an inscription at the top of a paragraph, chapter, page, section, etc., giving the title or topic 2. a division of a subject; topic or category 3. the… … English World dictionary
heading — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ broad, general ▪ Books should be listed under a broader heading such as ‘engineering’. ▪ main, major ▪ chapter, section … Collocations dictionary
subject — Synonyms and related words: IC analysis, above, academic specialty, action, actor, affair, agent, anagnorisis, angle, answerable to, application, appositive, apt, architect, architectonics, architecture, area, argument, atmosphere, attribute,… … Moby Thesaurus
heading — Synonyms and related words: aim, antecedent, anteposition, anteriority, azimuth, banner, banner head, basis, bearing, bent, blood, bold front, bracket, branch, brave face, brave front, burden, cap, capping, capsheaf, caption, caput, case, caste,… … Moby Thesaurus
subject matter — Synonyms and related words: argument, basis, burden, case, chapter, concern, essence, focus of attention, focus of interest, gist, head, heading, issue, living issue, main point, matter, matter in hand, meat, motif, motive, point, point at issue … Moby Thesaurus