three-letter abbreviation IKC can stand for:*
Indiana Karst Conservancy
* InStar Trek , the identifier forKlingon warships, standing for Imperial Klingon Cruiser.
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* In
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IKC — abbr. Irish Kennel Club … Dictionary of abbreviations
Irish Kennel Club — Gadharchumann na hÉireann (IKC) Zweck: Dachverband von kynologischen Vereinen in Irland Vorsitz: Mr. S. Delmar Gründungsdatum: 20. Januar 1922 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cave Conservancies — are specialized land trusts that primarily manage caves or karst features in the United States. Organizations that serve as cave management consultants to cave owners are usually considered cave conservancies. Cave conservancies are almost always … Wikipedia
Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny — (English: Illustrated Daily Courier , commonly known as IKC , also Ikac ) was a Polish daily as well as a publishing house, founded in 1910 in Kraków by Marian Dąbrowski. In the Second Polish Republic, the IKC was the biggest publisher of the… … Wikipedia
СВЕРХПРОВОДЯЩИЙ МАГНИТОМЕТР — магнитометр, действие к рого основано на Джозефсона эффекте. Часто встречается ещё одно наименование С. м. «сквид» (от англ. Superconducting Quantum Interference Device сверхпроводящий квантовый интерференционный прибор). Чувствительность С. м.… … Физическая энциклопедия
Indigenous Knowledge Centre — The State Library of Queensland assists local government to establish Indigenous Knowledge Centre s (IKC s). These serve as information hubs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities throughout Queensland. IKC s provide the services… … Wikipedia
Сверхпроводящие магнитометры — квантовые магнитометры (См. Квантовый магнитометр), действие которых основано на Джозефсона эффекте. Чувствительность С. м. достигает 10 9 гс (10 13 тл), а при измерениях градиента магнитного поля Сверхпроводящие магнитометры 10 10 гс/см… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Star Trek Simulation Forum — The Star Trek Simulation Forum (abbreviated STSF) is a Star Trek simming organization that provides numerous online text based role playing games. It was created in July 2002, and has served as the forum of the official Star Trek website operated … Wikipedia
Irish Kennel Club — is an organization dedicated to supporting dog breeds and their owners.HistoryThe Kerry Blue Terrier increased dramatically in the Dublin area as it gained admirers in the early 1920s. On St. Patrick s Day, 1921 a conformation dog show was… … Wikipedia
Diacethylmorphin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Freiname Diacetylmorphin Andere … Deutsch Wikipedia