- Navaandorjiin Jadambaa
This is a Mongolian name. The given name is Jadambaa, and the name Navaandorjiin is a patronymic, not a family name.
Navaandorjiin Jadambaa (Mongolian: Наваандоржийн Жадамбаа) was the first republican Head of State of Mongolia. He became Chairman of the State Great Hural in November 1924 following the death of the Bogd Khan. Only a day later he was replaced by Peljidiin Genden.
Usually a regency would follow the death of the Bogd Khan until his reincarnation had reached his majority; however, in this case the search for the reincarnation of the Bogd Khan was banned (his reincarnation was discovered in Tibet in 1936) and the country has maintained a republican constitution ever since.
Preceded by
The Bogd KhanHead of State
November 28 - 29, 1924Succeeded by
Peljidiin GendenMongolia (1911–1924) Mongolian People's
Republic (1924–1992)Mongolia
(Presidents since 1992)Italics indicate acting officeholders Categories:- Speakers of the State Great Khural
- Heads of state of Mongolia
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