Warak ngendog

Warak ngendog

Warak ngendog (egg laying bird) is a mythical creature resembling a rhinoceros carrying eggs on its back. This creature, celebrated during the Dugderan Festival held annually on September 23rd a few days before the holiday of Ramadan, is believed to represent three different ethnic groups in Semarang: Javanese, Chinese and Arabian. Its head is like a dragon (Chinese), its body is the combination of buraq (a special animal resembling the winged horse with a human head believed to take Prophet Muhammad to Sidratil Muntaha -> Arabian) and goat (Javanese).

The creature is described to be part giraffe, part lion, part Chinese dragon, part horse, and part bird and is made into popular toys for the children to play with during the festival.


* [http://wikitravel.org/en/Semarang Semarang travel guide. NOTE: Scroll down to "Do" section]
* [http://www.visit-indonesia.com.au/pages/about/calendar.php Indonesia - Ultimate in Diversity NOTE: Scroll down to "Dugderan Warak Ngendog Festival"]
* [http://answers.yahoo.com/question/;_ylc=X3oDMTE1aThkdWZ2BF9TAzIxMTU1MDAxMTgEc2VjA2Fuc19ub3QEc2xrA2Fuc21vcmU-;_ylv=3?qid=20080324112521AAtJs52 Yahoo Answers: What is warak ngendog?]
* [http://serbaserbikehidupan.blogspot.com/2007/08/be-chinaman.html Serba Serbi Kehidupan: Be A Chinaman!]

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