- Wolfgang Doeblin
Wolfgang Doeblin known in France as Vincent Doblin, (born 17 March 1915 in Berlin, died in Housseras 21 June 1940) was a German-French mathematician.
Wolfgang is the son of the Jewish-German novelist,
Alfred Döblin . His family escaped from Nazi Germany to France where he became a citizen. StudyingProbability Theory at the Institute Henri Poincaré under Fréchet, he quickly made a name for himself as a gifted theorist. He became a doctor and was elected to the French Academy of Sciences at age 21. After WWII broke out in 1939, he was drafted and volunteered to go to the front. His company surrendered to the German Army in June 1940. Faced with imminent capture, he burned his math notes and took his own life. Before he went to the front, however, he mailed a notebook of his works to his mentor. However, the notebook remained unopened and was forgotten after the war.The safe has recently (2000) been opened, revealing that Doeblin was at least 25 years ahead of his time in the development of the theory of
Markov process es.His life was recently the subject of a movie by Agnes Handwerk and Harrie Willems, A Mathematician Rediscovered. [ [http://www.springer.com/math/book/978-3-540-71960-1 Wolfgang Doeblin - Histoire des mathématiques Journals, Books & Online Media | Springer ] ]
* Bernard Bru, Marc Yor: "Comments on the life and mathematical legacy of Wolfgang Doeblin". In: "Finance and Stochastics" 6. Jg. (2002), S. 3-47
* [http://www.academie-sciences.fr/publications/lettre/pdf/lettre_2.pdf Lettre de l'Académie des sciences, no. 2, 2001]
* Marc Petit: "Die verlorene Gleichung. Auf der Suche nach Wolfgang und Alfred Döblin" ("L'équation de Kolmogoroff"). Eichborn, Frankfurt/M. 2005, ISBN 3-8218-5749-8
* Ellinghaus, Jürgen / Ferry, Hubert: "La lettre scellée du soldat Doblin / Der versiegelte Brief des Soldaten Döblin", TV documentary, 2006, ARTE/RBB [http://www.arte.tv/fr/semaine/244,broadcastingNum=884905,day=6,week=25,year=2008.html]
* Ellinghaus, Jürgen / Gardini, Aldo: "Die Irrfahrt des Soldaten Döblin", audiobook, ed. Stiftung Radio Basel, Christoph Merian Verlag, Basel, 2007. [http://www.merianverlag.ch/hoerbuecher/detail.cfm?ObjectID=3E5E7456-1422-0CEF-B4BA55D4CB63C777]
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