Hortensio Quijano

Hortensio Quijano

order=Vicepresident of Argentina
term=4 June 1946 - 3 April 1952
death_date=April 3 1952
Buenos Aires, ARG
predecessor=Juan Pistarini
successor=Alberto Tessaire
president=Juan Perón
Dr. Juan Hortensio Quijano (died April 3, 1952) was the Vice-President of Argentina under President Juan Perón from 1946 until his 1952 death in Buenos Aires. [cite web |url=http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F00D16F6395F177B93C6A9178FD85F468585F9 |title=Peron's Aide Dies; Election at Issue |accessdate=2008-03-24 |last=Morrow |first=Edward |date=1952-04-04 |work=The New York Times] [cite web |url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,857160,00.html |title=Obituaries |accessdate=2008-03-24 |date=1952-04-14 |work=Time] Before that, he served as the Minister of the Interior. [cite web |url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,792354,00.html |title=Celebration |accessdate=2008-03-24 |date=1945-08-27 |work=Time] By the time Eva Perón withdrew her vice presidential candidacy in late 1951, due to her failing health, Quijano was in worse health than the First Lady. However, after she pleaded him personally he reluctantly agreed to join the 1952 Perón ticket. He died in early April, before being re-inaugurated. At the inauguration two months later, Evita, now heading swiftly for death and bearing the title Spiritual Chief of the Argentine Nation, took his place.

In the 1996 film "Evita", he was played by Brian Cobby. [ [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116250/fullcredits Full Cast and Crew for "Evita"] . Internet Movie Database. 2008. Accessed March 24, 2008.]


###@@@KEY@@@###succession box
before=None (1946)
Eva Perón(1951)
title= Peronist Party nominee for Vice President of Argentina and President of the Argentine Senate
years=1946 (won)
1951 (won)
after=Eva Perón(1951)
Alberto Tesaire

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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