- Vinnytsia tram
The Vinnytsia tram ( _uk. Вінницький Трамвай, translit.: "Vinnytskyi Tramvai") network is the part of the
public transportation system that since 1913 servesVinnytsia , the administrative center of theVinnytsia Oblast . The tram system has a narrowrail gauge of 1000 mm and can besides the one inVinnytsia only be seen inLviv ,Zhytomyr andEupatoria inUkraine . The system currently consists of 21.2 km of tracks. [ [http://narrow.parovoz.com/emb/index.php?ID=144 ЭМБ // Винница (трамвай) ] ]History
The first electric tramway in
Vinnytsia started to operate on October 28, 1913. The system was built by the German companyMAN AG . [ [http://transport-ks.narod.ru/photo/photo-vin/photo-vin02.htm Украина // Винница // Трамвай ] ] The operation has only been suspended during two longer periods: February 1920 – November 27, 1921 and March 1944 – June 1945. [ [http://narrow.parovoz.com/emb/index.php?ID=144 ЭМБ // Винница (трамвай) ] ]Today most of the trams are of the KT4 type, produced by Czech ČKD Tatra Works.
But since 2007 the city of
Zürich has without cost donated used trams to the city ofVinnytsia . Eventually about 30 trams are planned to be handed over to the city ofVinnytsia .Presently there are 59 trams and 103 trolleybuses in operation in
Vinnytsia . [ [http://news.vinboard.com/vinnitsya/troleybusi-v-vinnici/ Вінниця купить 10 нових тролейбусів із низькою підлогою - Вінниця - VinBoard.com - Вінницькі Новини ] ]Notes
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