- List of Kino's Journey light novels
"Kino no Tabi" is a Japanese
light novel series written byKeiichi Sigsawa , and illustrated byKohaku Kuroboshi . Also known under the title "Kino's Journey", the series premiered in the sixth volume of "Dengeki hp " on March 17, 2000. [citeweb|url= http://www.mediaworks.co.jp/users_s/d_hp/archive_hp/hp_1_10.php#hp06|title="Dengeki hp" volume 6|publisher=ASCII Media Works |accessdate=2008-03-23|language=Japanese] The first bound volume of the series was published on July 10, 2000 underASCII Media Works ' "Dengeki Bunko " publishing label. As of October 10, 2008, twelve volumes have been published. [citeweb|url=http://www.mediaworks.co.jp/d_original/kino/page1.php|title="Kino's Journey" light novels introduction|publisher=ASCII Media Works |accessdate=2008-03-24|language= Japanese]Tokyopop licensed the novels for an English language release in North America. [citeweb|url= http://www.tokyopop.com/popfiction/books.php?book=2|title=Tokyopop's official "Kino's Journey" website|publisher=Tokyopop |accessdate=2008-03-24] The first volume was published on October 3, 2006. Tokyopop released the series under its rōmaji title of "Kino no Tabi" and rearranged the chapters of the first volume. Due to issues with the licensor, the remaining volumes have been delayed and the solicitation of the second volume was canceled. The light novel series has also been translated into Chinese and Korean, and is in the process of being translated into German.An additional volume entitled Nihongo|"Kino's Journey -the Beautiful World- Country of Theater -Kino-"|キノの旅 -the Beautiful World- 劇場の国 -KINO-|Kino no Tabi -the Beautiful World- Gekijō no Kuni -KINO- was released as a promotional gift for the second animated movie. [cite web|url= http://www.mediaworks.co.jp/topics/070320_moviefes/index.php|title=Dengeki Bunko Movie Festival press release|publisher=
ASCII Media Works |date=2007-10-30|accessdate=2008-03-23|language=Japanese ] Aspin-off of the regular series under the title "Gakuen Kino" was also created. The first volume of the spin-off series was released on July 10, 2006 under "Dengeki Bunko", and the second volume was released on July 10, 2007. The series is a collection of parodies originally published in three spin-off magazines of "Dengeki hp": "Dengeki p", "Dengeki h", and "Dengeki hpa". The spin-off features Kino as amagical girl in a school setting.Light novels
Kino's Journey
Graphic novel list/header
Language = Japanese
SecondLanguage = English
LineColor = CCFGraphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 01
OriginalRelDate = July 10, 2000
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-1585-5
LicensedRelDate = October 3, 2006
LicensedISBN = 978-1-59816-455-8
ChapterList = :Prologue. Nihongo|"Amidst the Forest・b" -Lost in the Forest・b-|「森の中で・b」―Lost in the Forest・b―|"Mori no Naka de・b" -Lost in the Forest・b-
#Nihongo|"Land of Visible Pain" -I See You.-|「人の痛みが分かる国」―I See You.―|"Hito no Itami ga Wakaru Kuni" -I See You.-
#Nihongo|"Land of the Majority" -Ourselfish-|「多数決の国」―Ourselfish―|"Tasūketsu no Kuni" -Ourselfish-
#Nihongo|"Three Men Along the Rails" -On the Rails-|「レールの上の三人の男」―On the Rails―|"Rēru no Ue no Sannin no Otoko" -On the Rails-
#Nihongo|"Coliseum" -Avengers-|「コロシアム」―Avengers―|"Koroshiamu" -Avengers-
#Nihongo|"Land of Adults" -Natural Rights-|「大人の国」―Natural Rights―|Otona no Kuni -Natural Rights-
#Nihongo|"A Peaceful Land" -Mother's Love-|「平和な国」―Mother's Love―|"Heiwana Kuni -Mother's Love-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"Amidst the Forest・a" -Lost in the Forest・a-|「森の中で・a」―Lost in the Forest・a―|"Mori no Naka de・a" -Lost in the Forest・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 02
OriginalRelDate = October 10, 2000
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-1632-6
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Frontispiece. Nihongo|"A Story of a Sniper" -Fatalism-|「狙撃兵の話」―Fatalism―|"Sogekihei no Hanashi" -Fatalism-:Prologue. Nihongo|"Amidst the Desert・b" -Beginner's Luck・b-|「砂漠の真ん中で・b」―Beginner's Luck・b―|"Sabaku no Mannaka de・b" -Beginner's Luck・b-
#Nihongo|"A Tale of Feeding Off Others" -I Want to Live.-|「人を喰った話」―I Want to Live.―|"Hito o Kutta Hanashi" -I Want to Live.-
#Nihongo|"Overprotection" -Do You Need It?-|「過保護」―Do You Need It?―|"Kahogo" -Do You Need It?-
#Nihongo|"Land of Wizards" -Potentials of Magic-|「魔法使いの国」―Potentials of Magic―|"Mahōtsukai no Kuni" -Potentials of Magic-
#Nihongo|"Land of Free Press" -Believers-|「自由報道の国」―Believers―|"Jiyū Hōdō no Kuni" -Believers-
#Nihongo|"A Picture's Tale" -Happiness-|「絵の話」―Happiness―|"E no Hanashi" -Happiness-
#Nihongo|"Return" -'She' is Waiting For You.-|「帰郷」―"She" is Waiting For You.―|"Kikyō" -'She' is Waiting For You.-
#Nihongo|"Land of Books" -Nothing Is Written!-|「本の国」―Nothing Is Written!―|"Hon no Kuni" -Nothing Is Written!-
#Nihongo|"A Kind Land" -Tomorrow Never Comes-|「優しい国」―Tomorrow Never Comes.―|"Yasashii Kuni" -Tomorrow Never Comes.-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"Amidst the Desert・a" -Beginner's Luck・a-|「砂漠の真ん中で・a」―Beginner's Luck・a―|"Sabaku no Mannaka de・a" -Beginner's Luck・a-:Anecdote. Nihongo|"Continuation: A Picture's Tale" -Anonymous Pictures-|「続・絵の話」―Anonymous Pictures―|Zoku E no Hanashi -Anonymous Pictures-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 03
OriginalRelDate = January 10, 2001
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-1709-5
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Frontispiece. Nihongo|"The Land of Love and Peace" -Power Play-|「愛と平和の国」―Power Play―|"Ai to Heiwa no Kuni" -Power Play-:Prologue. Nihongo|"Amidst the Clouds・b" -Blinder・b-|「雲の中で・b」―Blinder・b―|"Kumo no Naka de・b" -Blinder・b-
#Nihongo|"A Land Without Borders" -Designated Area-|「城壁のない国」―Designated Area―|"Jōheki no Nai Kuni" -Designated Area-
#Nihongo|"Power of Persuasion" -Persuader-|「説得力」―Persuader―|"Settokuryoku" -Persuader-
#Nihongo|"The Land of Identical Faces" -HACCP-|「同じ顔の国」―HACCP―|"Onaji Kao no Kuni" -HACCP-
#Nihongo|"A Tale of a Mechanical Doll" -One-way Mission-|「機械人形の話」―One-way Mission―|"Kikai Ningyō no Hanashi" -One-way Mission-
#Nihongo|"A Land not Permitting Discrimination" -True Blue Sky-|「差別を許さない国」―True Blue Sky―|"Sabetsu o Yusanai Kuni" -True Blue Sky-
#Nihongo|"A Finished Tale" -Ten Years After-|「終わってしまった話」―Ten Years After―|"Owatteshimatta Hanashi -Ten Years After-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"Amidst the Clouds・a" -Blinder・a-|「雲の中で・a」―Blinder・a―|"Kumo no Naka de・a" -Blinder・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 04
OriginalRelDate = July 10, 2001
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-1844-3
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Prologue. Nihongo|"Amidst a Sea of Red・b" -Blooming Prairie・b-|「紅い海の真ん中で・b」―Blooming Prairie・b―|"Kai Umi no Mannaka de・b" -Blooming Prairie・b-
#Nihongo|"Land with a Bronze Statue" -Angel?-|「像のある国」―Angel?―|"Zō no Aru Kuni" -Angel?-
#"×××××" -Solo-
#Nihongo|"Land of Two People" -Even a Dog doesn't Eat-|「二人の国」―Even a Dog doesn't Eat―|"Futari no Kuni" -Even a Dog doesn't Eat-
#Nihongo|"Tradition" -Tricksters-|「伝統」―Tricksters―|"Dentō" -Tricksters-
#Nihongo|"The Land Without the Need for Work" -Workable-|「仕事をしなくていい国」―Workable―|"Shigoto o Shinakute Ii Kuni" -Workable-
#Nihongo|"A Land Divided" -World Divided-|「分かれている国」―World Divided―|"Wakareteiru Kuni -World Divided-
#Nihongo|"Grapes" -On Duty-|「ぶどう」―On Duty―|"Budō" -On Duty-
#Nihongo|"Land of Acknowledgment" -A Vote-|「認めている国」―A Vote―|"Mitometeiru Kuni" -A Vote-
#Nihongo|"A Tale of a Raid" -Bloodsuckers-|「たかられた話」―Bloodsuckers―|"Takaraketa Hanashi -Bloodsuckers-
#Nihongo|"Land of Bridges" -Their Line-|「橋の国」―Their Line―|"Hashi no Kuni" -Their Line-
#Nihongo|"The Tower Country" -Freelance-|「塔の国」―Free Lance―|"Tō no Kuni" -Free Lance-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"Amidst a Sea of Red・a" -Blooming Prairie・a-|「紅い海の真ん中で・a」―Blooming Prairie・a―|"Kai Umi no Mannaka de・a" -Blooming Prairie・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 05
OriginalRelDate = January 10, 2002
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-2013-2
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Prologue. Nihongo|"Amidst the Setting Sun・b" -Will・b-|「夕日の中で・b」―Will・b―|"Yūbi no Naka de・b" -Will・b-
#Nihongo|"Reminiscence" -Blue Rose-|「あの時のこと」―Blue Rose―|"Ano Toki no Koto" -Blue Rose-
#Nihongo|"Land Permitting Murder" -Jungle's Rule-|「人を殺すことができる国」―Jungle's Rule―|"Hito o Korosu to ga Dekiru Kuni" -Jungle's Rule-
#Nihongo|"A Tale of a Vendor" -For Sale-|「店の話」―For Sale―|"Ten no Hanashi" -For Sale-
#Nihongo|"Land of Heroes" -No Hero-|「英雄達の国」―No Hero―|Eiyūtachi no Kuni" -No Hero-
#Nihongo|"Land of Heroes" -Seven Heroes-|「英雄達の国」―Seven Heroes―|"Eiyūtachi no Kuni" -Seven Heroes-
#Nihongo|"A Land at Leisure" -Jog Trot-|「のどかな国」―Jog Trot―|"Nodokana Kuni" -Job Trot-
#Nihongo|"Land of Prophecies" -We NO The Future-|「予言の国」―We NO the Future.―|"Yogen no Kuni" -We NO the Future.-
#Nihongo|"Bodyguards" -Stand-bys-|「用心棒」―Stand-bys―|"Yōjinbō" -Stand-bys-
#Nihongo|"A Tale of a Salt Field" -Family Business-|「塩の平原の話」―Family Business―|"Shio no Heigen no Hanashi" -Family Business-
#Nihongo|"Land of Illness" -For You-|「病気の国」―For You―|"Byōki no Kuni" -For You-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"Amidst the Setting Sun・a" -Will・a-|「夕日の中で・a」―Will・a―|"Yūbi no Naka de・a" -Will・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 06
OriginalRelDate = August 10, 2002
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-2155-9
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Frontispiece. Nihongo|"A Land of No Admittance" -Reasonable-|「入れない国」―Reasonable―|"Irenai Kuni" -Reasonable-:Frontispiece. Nihongo|"An Unbiased Tale" -All Alone-|「中立な話」―All Alone―|"Chūritsu no Hanashi" -All Alone-:Frontispiece. Nihongo|"A Tale of a Tank" -Life Goes On-|「戦車の話」―Life Goes On.―|"Sensha no Hanashi" -Life Goes On.-:Prologue. Nihongo|"A Pledge・b" -a Kitchen Knife・b-|「誓い・b」―a Kitchen Knife・b―|"Chiaki・b" -a Kitchen Knife・b-
#Nihongo|"Her Journey" -Chances-|「彼女の旅」―Chances―|"Kanojo no Tabi" -Chances-
#Nihongo|"Her Journey" -Love and Bullets-|「彼女の旅」―Love and Bullets―|"Kanojo no Tabi" -Love and Bullets-
#Nihongo|"Land of Fireworks" -Fire at Will!-|「花火の国」―Fire at Will!―|"Hanabi no Kuni" -Fire at Will!-
#Nihongo|"A Land with an Elder" -I Need You-|「長のいる国」―I Need You.―|"Osa no Iru Kuni" -I Need You.-
#Nihongo|"A Land that Never Forgets" -Not Again-|「忘れない国」―Not Again―|"Wasurenai Kuni" -Not Again-
#Nihongo|"A Safe Country" -For His Safety-|「安全な国」―For His Safety―|"Anzenna Kuni" -For His Safety-
#Nihongo|"During the Journey" -Intermission-|「旅の途中」―Intermission―|"Tabi no Tochū" -Intermission-
#Nihongo|"The Meaning of Blessing" -How Much Do I Pay For?-|「祝福のつもり」―How Much Do I Pay For?―|"Shukufuku no Tsumori" -How Much Do I Pay For?-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"A Pledge・a" -a Kitchen Knife・a-|「誓い・a」―a Kitchen Knife・a―|"Chiaki・a" -a Kitchen Knife・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 07
OriginalRelDate = June 10, 2003
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-2386-7
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Prologue. Nihongo|"To Do Something・b" -Life Goes On・b-|「何かをするために・b」―life goes on.・b―|"Nanika o Suru Tame ni・b" -life goes on.・b-
#Nihongo|"An Aggressive Land" -Leave Only Footsteps!-|「迷惑な国」―Leave Only Footstep!―|"Meiwakuna Kuni" -Leave Only Footstep!-
#Nihongo|"A Land of Love" -Stray King-|「ある愛の国」―Stray King―|"Aru Ai no Kuni" -Stray King-
#Nihongo|"Along a River" -Intermission-|「川原にて」―Intermission―|"Kawara nite" -Intermission-
#Nihongo|"Winter Tale" -D-|「冬の話」―D―|"Fuyu no Hanashi" -D-
#Nihongo|"A Tale of Teatime in a Forest" -Thank You-|「森の中のお茶会の話」―Thank you―|"Mori no Naka no Ochakai no Hanashi" -Thank You-
#Nihongo|"Land of Liars" -Waiting for You-|「嘘つき達の国」―Waiting For You―|"Usotsukitachi no Kuni" -Waiting For You-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"To Do Something・a" -Life Goes On・a-|「何かをするために・a」―life goes on.・a―|"Nanika o Suru Tame ni・a" -life goes on.・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 08
OriginalRelDate = October 10, 2004
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-2832-9
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Frontispiece. Nihongo|"Land of Roads" -Go West!-|「道の国」―Go West!―|"Michi no Kuni" -Go West!-:Frontispiece. Nihongo|"A Land Without Crime" -Black Box-|「悪いことはできない国」―Black box―|"Warui Koto wa Dekinai Kuni" -Black box-:Prologue. Nihongo|"A Beginning and an End of a Journey on the Beach・b" -On the Beach・b-|「渚にて 旅の始まりと終わり・b」―On the Beach・b―|"Nagisa nite Tabi no Hajimari to Owari・b" -On the Beach・b-
#Nihongo|"A Land with History" -Don't Look Back!-|「歴史のある国」―Don't Look Back!―|"Rekishi no Aru Kuni" -Don't Look Back!-
#Nihongo|"A Story with Love" -Dinner Party-|「愛のある話」―Dinner Party―|"Ai no Aru Hanashi" -Dinner Party-
#Nihongo|"Land of Radios" -Entertainer-|「ラジオな国」―Entertainer―|"Rajiona Kuni" -Entertainer-
#Nihongo|"A Land Saved" -Confession-|「救われた国」―Confession―|"Sukuwareta Kuni" -Confession-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"Country of a Ship・a" -On the Beach・a-|「船の国・a」―On the Beach・a―|"Nagisa nite Tabi no Hajimari to Owari・a" -On the Beach・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 09
OriginalRelDate = October 10, 2005
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-3172-5
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Frontispiece. Nihongo|"Exorbitant People" -Traveler's Tale-|「なってないひとたち」―Traveler's Tale―|"Nattenai Hitotachi" -Traveler's Tale-:Frontispiece. Nihongo|"Story of a Fortified Wall" -Sweet Home-|「城壁の話」―Sweet Home―|"Jōheki no Hanashi" -Sweet Home-:Prologue. Nihongo|"Amidst Yearning・b" -Yearning・b-|「悲しみの中で・b」―Yearning・b―|"Kanashimi no Naka de・b" -Yearning・b-
#Nihongo|"Land of Records" -His Record-|「記録の国」―His Record―|"Kiroku no Kuni" -His Record-
#Nihongo|"Evening of Good People" -Innocence-|「いい人達の夕べ」―Innocence―|"Ii Hitotachi no Yūbe" -Innocence-
#Nihongo|"A Writer's Journey" -Editor's Travels-|「作家の旅」―Editor's Travels―|"Sakka no Tabi" -Editor's Travels-
#Nihongo|"A Land of Electric Waves" -Not Guilty-|「電波の国」―Not Guilty―|"Denpa no Kuni" -Not Guilty-
#Nihongo|"A Land of Diaries" -Historians-|「日記の国」―Historians―|"Nikki no Kuni" -Historians-
#Nihongo|"The Land of Natural Preservation" -Let It Be!-|「自然保護の国」―Let It Be!―|"Shizenhogo no Kuni" -Let It Be!-
#Nihongo|"Land of Merchants" -Professionals-|「商人の国」―Professionals―|"Shōnin no Kuni" -Professionals-
#Nihongo|"The Land of Killing" -Clearance-|「殺す国」―Clearance―|"Korosu Kuni" -Clearance-
#Nihongo|"Continued: A Tale of a Tank" -Spirit-|「続・戦車の話」―Spirit―|"Zoku Sensha no Hanashi" -Spirit-
#Nihongo|"Old Tales" -Tea Talks-|「むかしの話」―Tea Talks―|"Mukashi no Hanashi -Tea Talks-
#Nihongo|"Power of Persuasion II" -Persuader II-|「説得力II」―Persuader II―|"Settokuryoku II" -Persuader II-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"Amidst Yearning・a" -Yearning・a-|「悲しみの中で・a」―Yearning・a―|"Kanashimi no Naka de・a" -Yearning・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 10
OriginalRelDate = October 10, 2006
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-3580-8
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Frontispiece. Nihongo|"Land of Pets" -apPETite-|「ペットの国」 ―apPETite―|"Petto no Kuni" -apPETite-:Frontispiece. Nihongo|"Tii's Wish" -Get Real!-|「ティーの願い」―Get Real!―|"Tī no Negai" -Get Real!-:Prologue. Nihongo|"A Man's Journey・b" -Life is a Journey, and Vice Versa.・b-|「在る男の旅・b」―Life is a Journey, and Vice Versa.・b―|"Aru Otoko no Tabi・b" -life is a Journey, and Vice Versa.・b-
#Nihongo|"Interview Land" -Out of the Question-|「インタビューの国」―Out of the Question―|"Intabyū no Kuni" -Out of the Question-
#Nihongo|"A Tale of Braggarts" -Fantasy-|「ホラ吹き達の話」―Fantasy―|"Horafukitachi no Hanashi -Fantasy-
#Nihongo|"Land of Protection" -Meritocracy-|「保護の国」―Meritocracy―|"Hogo no Kuni" -Meritocracy-
#Nihongo|"Land of Telephone Poles" -Transmission-|「電柱の国」―Transmission―|"Denchū no Kuni" -Transmission-
#Nihongo|"In a Place Like This" -Preface-|「こんなところにある国」―Preface―|"Konna Tokoro ni Aru Kuni" -Preface-
#Nihongo|"Tii's Day" -a Day in the Girl's Life-|「ティーの一日」―a Day in the Girl's Life―|"Tī no Ichinichi" -a Day in the Girl's Life-
#Nihongo|"Land With a Singer" -Unsung Divas-|「歌姫のいる国」―Unsung Divas―|"Utahime no Iru Kuni" -Unsung Divas-:Epilogue. Nihongo|"A Man's Journey・a" -Life is a Journey, and Vice Versa.・a-|「在る男の旅・a」―Life is a Journey, and Vice Versa.・a―|"Aru Otoko no Tabi・a" -life is a Journey, and Vice Versa.・a-
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 11
OriginalRelDate = October 10, 2007
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-4025-3
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList = :Frontispiece. "Land of Children" -Burn Up-:Frontispiece. "Land of Flower fields" -Flower Arrangement-:Prologue : "Camera Land・b" -Picturesque・b-
#"Connected Land" -Stand Alone-
#"Land of Disappointment" -Hope Against Hope-
#"Land of Ajin (etc)" -With You-
#"Land Without Borders" -Asylum-
#"Land of School" -Assignment-
#"A Tale of Roads" -Passage-
#"A Tale of Fighting People" -Reasonable-:Epilogue. "Camera Land・a" -Picturesque・a-
VolumeExtras =Gakuen Kino
Graphic novel list/header
OneLanguage = yes
LineColor = CCFGraphic novel list
OneLanguage = yes
VolumeNumber = 01
RelDate = July 10, 2006
ISBN = 978-4-8402-3482-5
ChapterList =
Summary = Spinning off from a joke in theafterword to volume four of "Kino's Journey ", the story finds Kino attending a high school with her talking cell phone strap, Hermes. When students start turning into monsters, Kino transforms into a gun toting magical girl, but her efforts are thwarted by the incompetent would be rival hero claiming to be her partner, Shizu.
VolumeExtras =Graphic novel list
OneLanguage = yes
VolumeNumber = 02
RelDate = July 10, 2007
ISBN = 978-4-8402-3908-0
ChapterList =
VolumeExtras =ee also
*List of "Kino's Journey" episodes
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