Soupe Opera

Soupe Opera

Infobox Television
show_name = Soupe Opéra
format = Stop motion animation
runtime = Sub 5 min
creator = Christophe Barrier, Frédéric Clemencon
country = flag|France
network = ABC1 (In Australia)
first_aired = 1990s
last_aired = Present
num_episodes = Unknown

"Soupe Opéra" is a children's television programme. It was created in France in the early 1990s, and was shown as far away as Australia, originally on free-to-air, non-commercial channel ABC1 (then simply ABC), but is now shown more commonly on sister channel ABC2.


In each episode, fruit and vegetables spontaneously come out of a basket, moving by themselves, and cut themselves up to form animals and objects. The animal/s formed then perform an action, such as eating the left over food. In some episodes, the food comes out of a garbage bin to form the animal, such as a possum.


Each episode features more or less the same song, which is played throughout the short episode. It will be slightly different, as there are small sound effects put in when the animal eats, makes noises etc. The main song begins with just a female opera voice singing either "Soupe Opéra" in a French pronunciation, or "Super hero" as it may sound to an Australian audience. Computer generated drums then come in, with a heavy 4/4 beat, and a low voice singing in a kind of a groan "Ah Oo Oo Oh Oo Oh". The sound of this song, with its somewhat random sound effects, has a typically 1990s sound.


This show has developed somewhat of a cult following, particularly in France and in Australia. This is mainly with teens of the present time, who watched the show when it was new in the early to mid 1990s. A few original episodes have been posted on You Tube in the past couple of years.


External links

* [ ABC Kids]
* [ "Soupe Opera: Squirrel" on You Tube]
* [ Fruit animals from "Soupe Opera" on You Tube]

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