Brahma Sampradaya

Brahma Sampradaya

The Brahma Sampradaya (Brahma-sampradāya) refers to the disciplic succession ("sampradaya") of gurus starting with Brahma in Hinduism. [ [ Hinduism and Buddhism: An Historical Sketch - Page 239] Charles Eliot, 1998 ] The term is most often used to refer to the beliefs and teachings of Madhvacharya [ [ The Sadhus and Indian Civilisation - Page 57] Vijay Prakash Sharma - Sadhus - 1998 - 209 p] and his Dvaita philosophy. It may also refer to the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his Gaudiya theology. A number of worldwide religious movements belong to this line, including ISKCON, [ [ Female Ascetics in Hinduism] Lynn Teskey Denton, 2004 - 224 pages] a derivative of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.Followers of this tradition believe that Vedic knowledge descends from Brahma. In the Vedic conception, these sampradayas began at the creation of the universe and endure to the present moment in the person of the student's own guru. Due to the consistency of the transmission of knowledge, all the previous gurus are present in the teachings of the present spiritual master. The Vedic process assures that the transmission remains pure by assuring the qualifications of the transmitter.Citation
first = S.D.
last = Goswami
author-link = Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
title =Readings in Vedit Literature: The Tradition Speaks for Itself
publisher =
date = 1976
pages = 240 pages
isbn = 0912776889


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