

Infobox Locomotive Auto
name = VL10cite book| pages=p 327| title=Jane's Train Recognition Guide| author=Johnston, Howard and Harris, Ken| publisher=Harper Collins Publishers| year=2005| isbn=0-06-081895-6| ] [ [http://www.railfaneurope.net/list/russia/russia_rzd_e.html RZD DC electric locomotives at www.railfaneurope.net] ]
powertype = Electric

imagesize = 300px
caption = VL10-582 in the suburbs of Tomsk

caption2 =
designer =
builder = NEVZ, TEVZ flag|SUN
serialnumber =
buildmodel =
builddate = 1961 - 1977
totalproduction = 2,882
uicclass = Bo'Bo'+Bo'Bo'
gauge = RailGauge|1520
trucks =
length =
height =
width =
wheeldiameter =
weight = VL10: 184 tonnes VL10U: 200 tonnes
electricsystem = 3000 V DC
collectionmethod = pant
alternator =
generator =
tractionmotors = 8×TED TL-2
transmission =
topspeed = convert|100|km/h|abbr=on
locobrakes = regenerative
trainbrakes =
poweroutput = convert|6165|hp|abbr=on
tractiveeffort =
factorofadhesion =
railroad = РЖД
officialname =
nicknames =
locale = flag|RUS Russia,
flag|SUN Soviet Union

The VL10 (ru: ВЛ10) is an electric mainline DC freight locomotive used in the Soviet Union and is still operated today by the state owned Russian rail company, RZhD. The initials "VL" are those of Vladimir Lenin (ru: Владимир Ленин), after whom the class is named.


The VL10 series was built as a replacement for the ageing VL8 which, by 1960, no longer met Soviet rail requirements. The VL10s were manufactured at the Tblisi Electric Locomotive Works (ТЭВЗ) between 1961-1977, as well as the Novochyerkassk Electric Locomotive Works (НЭВЗ) during 1969 and 1976. It was also there that all the mechanical components for the series were produced. The first prototype of the VL10 series was built in the Tblisi works under the designation Т8-001. It was built in 1961 to coincide with the 40th anniversary of Soviet rule in Georgia.


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