- Bacteriome
A bacteriome is a specialized organ, found mainly in some
insect s, that hostsendosymbiotic bacteria . Bacteriomes contain specialized cells, called bacteriocytes, that provide nutrients and shelter to the bacteria while protecting the host animal.In exchange, the bacteria provide essentials likevitamins andamino acid s to the host insect.Some insects, like the
glassy-winged sharpshooter , host more than one species ofbacteria . [ [http://www.physorg.com/news69083472.html Three-Way Symbiosis Supplies Insect Pest With Well-Rounded Diet ] ] In armored scale insects, bacteriomes have unique genetic and sexual properties.For example, they have five copies of eachchromosome -- including two copies of the mother's completegenome . [ [http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=368156 The Strange Case of the Armored Scale Insect and Its Bacteriome ] ]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.