Jozef Cíger-Hronský

Jozef Cíger-Hronský

Infobox Person
name = Jozef Cíger-Hronský

image_size = 220px
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birth_date = 23 February 1896
birth_place = Zvolen, Habsburg Monarchy (now Slovakia)
death_date = 13 July 1960 (aged 64)
death_place = Luján, Argentina
death_cause =
resting_place = Martin, Slovakia
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occupation = writer
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Jozef Cíger-Hronský (original name Jozef Cíger; born 23 February 1896 in Zvolen, present-day Slovakia, died 13 July 1960 in Luján, Argentina) was a Slovak writer, teacher, publicist, later secretary and manager of the Matica slovenská.


He was born in 1896 into a central Slovak family of carpenters in Zvolen. He attended schools in Zvolen (1902–07), Krupina (1907–10) and finished his education in a Hungarian teacher school in Levice (1910–14). After that, he was a teacher at various places, with the interruption of 1917–18, when he was sent to the Italian Front in the World War I. His first prose came out in the 1920s (novellas and short prose). Aside of being a teacher, he was an editor of the children's magazine called "Slniečko" (from 1928 until 1945). In 1933 he became a secretary of the Matica slovenská and later in 1940 a manager, where he stayed until 1945. However, he fell under the influence of the Slovak People's Party ("ľudáci"). From the fear of persecution after defeat of the First Slovak Republic, he emigrated to Austria, Italy and finally settled in Argentina, where he worked as a designer in a textile factory. There, he established the Matica slovenská Abroad ("Zahraničná Matica slovenská") and was a chairman of the Slovak National Council abroad and a honorary chairman of the Association of Slovak Writers and Artists Abroad. He died in 1960 in Luján, Argentina. After the Velvet Revolution of 1989 he was rehabilitated in Czechoslovakia and later reburied in 1993 in the National Cemetery in Martin.


Hronský was writing as a realistic author, but under expressionist influence. (if possible, literal English translations are given)


Drama (comedies)

*1926 - "Firma Moor" ("Moor Company")
*1929 - "Červený trojuholník" ("A red triangle")
*1929 - "Návrat" ("Comeback")

Children's literature

External links

* [ Jozef Cíger-Hronský at] sk icon

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