- Insoumise et dévoilée
infobox Book |
name =Insoumise et dévoilée
image_caption = 2008 Azimuts Editions
author =Karima
country =Belgium
language = French
series =
genre =Autobiography
publisher = Editions Azimuts, Luc Pire
release_date = March 2008
"Insoumise et dévoilée" "(Unsubmissive and unveiled)" is an
autobiography byKarima , published in2008 .Plot summary
"Insoumise et devoilée" is the story of
Karima , a 32-year-old Muslim woman fromBelgium who talks about her life and her violent education, from her childhood to her forced wedding inMorocco . She was beaten by her father to get her follow their conservative traditions. This book was a real catharsis for the young woman. She broke the silence, but she was threatened with murder even before the release of the book. TheMuslim community ofVerviers wanted to stop her from releasing the book and took her to court.The trial
On 18 March 2008, the family of Karima (her parents and two sisters) took her to court. They wanted to ban the book, forbid its sale or get some parts removed. A petition circulated in Verviers against "Insoumise et dévoilée". People talked about "hchouma" (the shame) that the book would have spread. She answered: "I am zen, because all these threats, all these pressures, I knew that all my life". On 8 April, the court gave permission to the author to carry on selling the book. The judgment said that the story was a testimony of her whole life, not only focused on the family. "It's a victory for me but also for the girls who live the same," says Karima.
In August 2008, a second trial to change the publisher arrived. She changed to
Luc Pire .http://www.actu24.be/article/regions/provinceliege/infoslg/le_livre_de_karima_reste_en_rayon/129293.aspx
The association
On 27 June 2008, Karima founded her association "Insoumise et dévoilée" to help women who got the same experiences. She organized travels to Morocco to prove to politicians the difference between muslim women in Belgium and women in Morocco.
The prize
In September 2008, Karima received the prize " Le Prix Concordet-Aron " for her book.
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.